I have a thing for rosemary. It is a plant that awakens incredible nostalgia in me. I always pinch a couple of leaves and smell my fingers to just bring back the memories of a long-gone childhood. I remember playing between various rosemary bushes where I grew up and it just always reminds me of my youth.
That being the case, I just had to get some rosemary for @urban.scout and our little garden we are trying to get up and running. Our local shop sells it cheaply, about $1 per plant. We scored three! So I just knew we had to plant them. It seems like a Sunday tradition now, with me expanding the garden bit by bit every Sunday.
This time around, I made two new patches. The first one, next to the wild rocket and salad rocket, I made some space for the rosemary bushes. I hope that I gave them big enough space to flourish in. I planted three rosemary plants.
The physical work is always the best. After so many years trying to be brutal to my hands, gardening and golfing, my hands are still so soft and easily hurt. Half an hour into digging the grass out, I already felt the first blisters on my hands.
But it is all worth it as soon as you plant that plant and you see it grow. Every morning will be the same: go into the garden to see if new leaves are growing even though I know it does not grow that quickly.
After making the first garden bed ready, I decided why not do another one? My hands were already covered in blisters, but I just had to do it. I have stored some seeds for quite a whole now, some unique peppers, and I have never planted them. So now I decided it was time.
The satisfaction when you are done and ready to plant the seeds are unmatched. I love it, the smell of dirt on your hands, your heart beating, and the little seeds in your hand. Now I say my little prayer and I plant them. I really hope they will spout and turn into lovely big plants producing lovely peppers.
The best part of this whole new gardening adventure is taking it step by step with my girlfriend @urban.scout. We are in this together. She had the guts to try all my herbs and wild plants, eating everything that I gave her to taste. Now, we both have our addiction linked to rosemary. She even bought some rosemary artwork! In any case, I hope that you enjoyed these musings! Gardening is such a lovely thing to share and experience.
Happy gardening and stay safe.
All of the writings are my own, albeit inspired by the smell of rosemary. The photographs are also my own, taken with my Nikon D3200.
Yay to herb gardens. I guess we know what you'll name your first child then 🤣
Rosemary! Come over here this instance.
That would be something right? Haha. Herb gardens are so good for the soul. I will always keep on dreaming of owning a farm full of wild herbs.
We used to have a massive rosemary bush in the common garden in our block of flats. I love going there to pick fresh rosemary when we roast lamb, the smell was devine
That is exactly what we grew up with as well! Sunday roasts, lamb covered in rosemary. Now it is in our hands to pass on the tradition. Rosemary is such a lovely herb! Thanks for sharing your memories!
There lots of wild Rosemary growing near me. I feel very lucky.
It's great to have someone share the same passion as you xxxx
You are so fortunate. Would love to have that. We have a local variety of rosemary, wild African rosemary (Eriocephalus racemosus), but they are not that common in home gardens.
You'll have a huge amount of rosemary if you plant three plants! It's my favourite herb in bean dishes.
I want to explore different ways of using it, making smoked rosemary salt, rosemary syrups and so on. Maybe also some wild fermented drinks, blueberry-lemon-rosemary. Such a wonderful herb!
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We always had rosemary growing in our garden. I won't make a roast chicken without it! Lovely photos. I can almost smell each herb in your garden ❤️
For sure! Lemon rosemary garlic and chicken on the braai is deadly. It is a combination that never fails. Thank you so much!
It's very cool how certain things bring back fond memories. Rosemary is also one of @farm-mom's favorite herbs, she adds it to so many different dishes.
You sound like my wife, going around the garden picking herbs, rolling them between your fingers, and enjoying the fresh smell. Aromatherapy, it can instantly change your head space.
Gardening sure isn't easy especially when creating new beds, but like you said a real pleasure is attached to hard work.
Good luck with our blisters, they can take some time to heal.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate the thoughtful comment and the visit. Time will heal most wounds!
That is very interesting, the aromatherapy. I will read up on it a bit. But I think another aspect is also being grounded, walking barefoot (if one likes it) on the grass and ground and just being part of nature. Such wonderful sensory experiences.
When that garden bed is established, infinite growth can almost be expected.
Thanks again!
I've read many articles about walking around barefoot and the many health benefits that come from doing so.
I live by that philosophy. I only wear shoes when I really need to, getting my feet firmly planted in the ground has been such a wonder.