It's very cool how certain things bring back fond memories. Rosemary is also one of @farm-mom's favorite herbs, she adds it to so many different dishes.
You sound like my wife, going around the garden picking herbs, rolling them between your fingers, and enjoying the fresh smell. Aromatherapy, it can instantly change your head space.
Gardening sure isn't easy especially when creating new beds, but like you said a real pleasure is attached to hard work.
Good luck with our blisters, they can take some time to heal.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate the thoughtful comment and the visit. Time will heal most wounds!
That is very interesting, the aromatherapy. I will read up on it a bit. But I think another aspect is also being grounded, walking barefoot (if one likes it) on the grass and ground and just being part of nature. Such wonderful sensory experiences.
When that garden bed is established, infinite growth can almost be expected.
Thanks again!
I've read many articles about walking around barefoot and the many health benefits that come from doing so.
I live by that philosophy. I only wear shoes when I really need to, getting my feet firmly planted in the ground has been such a wonder.