Why thank you, I appreciate garden compliments, I work hard at it and while I fail at times, I succeed too...learning from those failures.
I freeze some of my vegetables...a quick blanch in super hot water and a rapid cool down then dry and into the freezer...Fresh as a daisy when they come back out for cooking. Having said that, I generally eat what I harvest and only freeze, preserve or dry excess, like y'all I guess.
Carrots...Mine came out all twisted and fucked up (the official term for a non-straight carrot) and I refused to try again; I know, stubborn huh? Lol.
If I saw your garden I reckon I'd say...wait for it..."crikey, that garden is bonza! 😂
I hope you've seen your friend and said that...if not, get on it!
I hope your ankle is feeling better.
Oh I seriously doubt you would say that. You would want to know how I angle my camera so that the disasterous side of the garden is not shown. As for my Aussie friend she has ... wait for it .... mumps. Crazy.
I think twisted carrots is the new normal. As long as they taste normal who cares. I admit I've gone from impressed by your musical expertise to being super impressed with your homegrown food prep. THAT IS BONZA
You're probably right, or I'd say, where's the tools, I'll help.
That friend has mumps huh, "crikey, that's not bonza". 🤣
(I've always found mumps to be a funny word. Mmmmumpppss. Lol, weird word.)
Yeah, I don't mind if carrots are a little warped, but these ones were a monumental fail, too many planted too close and they all twisted together, (wrong soil chosen) and looked like orange brains. Freaked me out. Considering the cost of carrots, (bugger all) at farmer's markets I figured I'd leave carrot growing to those better suited to it and just buy mine. That leaves more room for other things too.
I do many things have have many interests, a lot of of which doesn't make its way to Hive for privacy reasons and simply because people don't need to know everything about me; I also like to reserve some of who I am just for myself and people close to me. Having said that, I'm happy to share some aspects of me and I guess sometimes people get surprised/confused that I do so many things from shooting, hunting and gun stuff to piano playing, nature stuff and gardening, writing and the job I do and so on...all the other things I have happening. I see myself as a rough-cut diamond with multiple facets beneath the surface. Lol.
I hope you're well Hoppy.
Right? Wierd word. I sent her a message yesterday asking if she was still mumpling.
We've also resorted to buying carrots. But I have learned to choose my battles. Carrots is a war I prefer to avoid.
Nice to see the artistic side of you. The Diamond in the rough analogy is a perfect one! I'm sorry to hop and run but I'm cleaning up after a big burger and chocolate mousse day. Have an amazing weekend
One must avoid growing carrots if one is to retain one's sanity. 😵💫
Right then, you're busy, I get it. I'll make like a diamond and go. Lol. Also, mumpling. Good word! I hope your friend isn't too mumpistic and you can get to catch up with her.
Have a good weekend.
It has taken me three days to contemplate how a diamond can go.....nope. I'm still mumpling over that one. So much so that my children actually caught it! Mumps, not diamonds. Imagine if it was the other way around. And while I'm at it there are so many unanswered comments - sorry - it would be amazing if I could blame it on the horses running away with me over the mountains. But nope. Still hopping mad about that reality....
Diamonds go, make no mistake about it...they go, and they go with flair, style, class and a little bit of knuckleheadiness!
Anyway, hello there mumples!
You'll have some work ahead of you now I guess, with the mumplinigs, but I think you're up to the task, even having to hop around.