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RE: A tiny touch of gardening

in HiveGarden2 years ago

We had the same last year man, no spring, and it fucked up my tomatoes, and most other vegetables I had planted. Everyone was in the same boat. It really was a weird weather year. We only got several days above 40C in summer which is very few compared to normal years. I still whined about it though.

Rain-gardening can be ok if the rain is very light, but it's better without the rain.


Aye, the weather totally ruined a lot of mine. It wouldn't have been so bad if it had been consistently one way or another but we had a really mild start to the winter and when it eventually hit the plants thought it was Spring!

It was light rain gardening. I am a wuss and would have ran indoors if it got any heavier!

Yeah, plants don't know what's most humans. Lol.

I'm hoping for some good results off my winter vegetable plantings from last week.

You are lucky. All we can grow in Winter is turnips and nobody likes turnips!

I once had turnip soup. Killed the person who served it to me.

Ok, not really, but wanted to.

I think killing them would have been a mercy. There are worse things that can happen to those who serve turnip soup!

Hahaha I love a good turnip! Makes a delicious soup with some mustard! Add a chunk of ham in there or brisket and you’ve got one hell of a meal! Then you’ll have enough gas to light a stove from your ass LOL

Damn, that's freaky. Turnips are foul things which should just stay dead in the ground!!! 🤣🤣