Well, we are finally in November, so there's beginning to be less posts from the north and more from the south. It's good to see a few people snapping their gardens on Peakd Snaps .. don't forget to use the #hivegarden tag so we can find you. Be cool to aim for a garden snap every few days - we seriously love to see them and have plenty of votes to spare!
So, for the week beginning November 1 we ask you to write a #gardenjournal post. We will be sending tips to the best posts and of course upvotes and reblogs, so let's see your gardens!
Here's some ideas...
- Describe your biggest success or failure this season
- Tell us about what's going on in yours or a friend's garden
- Tell us about your favorite plant
- Write about a friends garden or a nursery you visited.
Anything garden related is SUPER!
And please....
- No AI
- 200 word minimum
- Engage with others in community
- Reblog this post!
Let's see fab formatting, beautiful photos, and thoughtful post - the kind of post that makes us want to go and tidy our garden!
Tagging #gardenjournal members as a reminder! Please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed from this list.
@plantstoplanks @jude9 @sofs-su @nikv @owasco @umirais @vesytz @buckaroobaby @farm-mom @thebigsweed @polesinns @andrastia @multifacetas @amygoodrich @jenthoughts @fanyokami @isdarmady @anafae @tanjakolader @yolithy24 @andrastia @minismallholding @goldenoakfarm @sanjeevm @nainaztengra @rem-steem @almi @leoplaw @denmarkguy @akiponn @dodovietnam @fermentedphil @galenkp @ifarmgirl @tomidiwirja @tengolengo @mysteriousroad
@ciadanmea @kennyroy @simplymike @dodovietnam @babeltrips @trangbaby @kaelci @shanibeer @proto26 @ifarmgirl @artemislives @edprivat @meesterboom @momogrow @antnn @luckylaica @blingit @traisto @fotostef @tydynrain @hindavi @steven-patrick @vibeof100monkeys @samstonehill @anttn @friendlymoose @jacksonizer @ciadanmea @tuocchu @gertu @artywink @dora381 @stortebeker @zakludick @maytom @juwell11 @chuch @maxdevalue @travoved @sunscape @alt3r @ninahaskin, @housecatharsia @promisedland @chidiadi65 @bigorna1 @actioncats @lifewithchel @aichel @hadrianwild @zekepickleman @futuremind @smithlabs
Happy Gardening!
win tips and upvotes from the Hive Garden. Don't forget to engage with other Hive gardeners, and get involved with the themed challenges that come out every Saturday!The #gardenjournal challenge lasts for 10 days from the 1st of every month - you have the chance to

My garden is all but wrapped up for the season. Still enjoying tomatoes and thinking soil preparation for the long winter ahead.
Thanks for a great season and I can keep gardening by watching all the people down south here!
We loved your season and look forward to your engagement with Southern gardeners!
I would like to join! This is my first time to join here. =)
Does my indoor jungle also count as a garden?
My participation
Happy gardening, 👩🌾
I tried my best 😊
Hola es un placer conocerte
I have a few questions.
*can I post videos in this community *which platform is allowed to upload videos?
*When you say you recommend tagging, do you mean some users in the blue letters list?
I'm not sure what you mean by blue letters.
YOu can post videos but it's unlikely we'll watch them/support as they're more time consuming to watch than reading a post.
Subtitles indeed valid, but please follow our dual language rules - english first, then spanish for any written content/titles.
Here is my submission 😊