Your soil looks amazing! I'm jealous!! Hopefully you'll have some bountiful harvests in your future.
The cherry blossom tree doesn't look like cherry blossoms I know. Is it a bit different to the ones we're familiar with?
Your sweet potato vine leaves look different to the ones we grow here, too. Do you know what the root colour will be? I know there are lots of different varieties, but I suspect our climate will limit what we can grow. Ours is rather desert like, but I'm guessing yours is tropical. We mostly see the orange root sweet potatoes here, but I have one growing that I'm hoping will be purple.
I've shared your post in the Garden Journal Weekly.
Thank you, I am hoping for bountiful harvests too (^_^)
Yes, it is a bit different.
If I remember it right, it is purple in color.
You are correct, our is tropical.
Thank you very much for sharing my post in Garden Weekly Journal