Garden Journal - May 2022

in HiveGarden3 years ago

HERE you can check out all the info and rules. Hello and welcome to another #gardenjournal post where I will share a bunch of photos of our fruits and veggies, as usual, tomato planting and first mini harvest of radishes! :D If you want to participate and share your own gardening experience,


Garden overview

Let's start with potatoes that take up majority of the right side of our garden. Now that they all grown, my dad made these lifted "beds" and got rid of all the weeds. It looks so much better now!

Last year we planted arugula for the first time and all of it got eaten by some insects I guess, every leaf had many small holes but this year we decided to try again and we used some ashes on the soil - so far it's looking good! We also planted some radishes and later in this post I'll share photos of our first mini radish harvest, it all ended up in today's lunch salad!

Peas and onions are making a good progress... Today my parents were weeding the onions and I did all the watering on fruits and veggies that needed it. I don't have a photo of how onion area looks like after all the weeding was done but I'll make sure to share it in the next garden update.

Here we have some zucchini - two rows to be more specific and so far it's looking good. This is one of the veggies that pretty much always has a good season in our garden so I hope this year will be the same.

We ended up having A LOT of pre-planted tomatoes and it was time to move them to the garden soil and my mom gave some to our neighbor, her mom and our in-laws. With all that we still had so much left and after some thinking, we decided to make space and plant more in our garden.

We have spinach in three spots in our garden - my mom takes every empty spot as it comes to plant something, lol. Two kinds of cucumbers are also planted - for pickles and for eating/salads.

I am happy to report that I've noticed first raspberries forming! :) I am so glad we got them few years ago for the first time ever as every year they are doing better! (knock on wood)

Today I did some weeding on strawberry beds and noticed a few still green strawberries. We only have one bed of strawberries left which is not a lot for our family and hopefully next year we will strategically make more space for strawberries.

Here are some baby plums...

... and baby peaches!

We also have a bunch of baby pears...

... and plenty of cherries!

Next we have baby apples and just a photo of blackberries.

Mini radish harvest - we will probably plant more as it seems this is a good year for them and they don't take a lot of time to grow out. First harvests, no matter how small they are, always make me so happy!

While we were doing all the work, Bella was sleeping! I caught her waking up with a big yawn and a big stretch.

We did a lot of weeding, watering and garden maintenance these past couple days. On our to-do list there's still few things left such as planting cherry tomatoes that you can see on the left photo. They are already pre-planted but we will wait for them to grow a little bit more. On the right you can see pre-planted tomatoes in our improvised green house.

Thank you for checking out this long post, I hope you enjoyed taking a look into our garden. :) Until next time, happy gardening!



I like this big land where comes so lot things soon :) .... I hope week is also start cool there :)

 3 years ago  

Thank you! :)

Npr :) .... I be soon more back ;)

So much abundance @nikolina! I love to see it all. Looks like you and your family should have so much fresh produce coming up soon. Your arugula looks fantastic. I've never tried growing it, but it is one of my favorite greens.

I hope in a few years our plum trees will look like yours. We just planted two tiny little babies, so lots of watching and waiting while they grow big and tall. :)

 3 years ago  

Thank you so much!

If you try planting arugula, I hope it will grow nicely, we are still trying to figure it out. :)

Planting and growing trees is so satisfying but it requires a lot of patience. We also have more baby plum trees and sometimes I wish I could speed up the growing process - it definitely teaches me patience, haha.

Oh goodness, patience indeed! I have a hard enough time just waiting the few months from seedlings to fruiting of the smaller plants. Having to wait years will definitely test mine!

 3 years ago  

Gosh, such abundance! Is it a commerical enterprise? I love how neat and tidy the garden is, ,and how productive. IT's certainly grown in the last two months! The radishes are so cute. I can imagine munching away in your garden, that's for sure!

 3 years ago  

Thank you!

This is just for our family. :D We don't sell anything, only share some with our neighbors when there's more than we can consume. We do store away, freeze or make something out of the fruits and veggies (pickles, jam...) to have as much as we can when those are out of season and during winter when the garden is resting. :)

 3 years ago  

Wow! You have so much going on there! Do you have many people to help you? I can't even imagine keeping the place as well as you are doing.

 3 years ago  

Thank you!

We don't have any help, it's mainly my mom, dad and me. My parents do a lot of work in the garden and I try to learn and help them as much as I can. :)

 3 years ago  

The radishes are particularly charming. I can definitely see myself savoring the fruits of your labor in your garden!

 3 years ago  

Radishes are having a great season and we are planning to plan more! :)

 3 years ago  

Great looking crops as always. By the way, the baby radishes are very cute.

 3 years ago  

Thank you!

Seems like everyone likes radishes, haha. I agree, they look cute and also taste amazing! :)

 3 years ago (edited) 

You're welcome (^_^)

And yes, I love to put radish in my dishes too!

Wonderful fields I must say. You have such variety and abundance of veggies and fruits! I can only imagine all the hard work, time and dedication that it took for all of those plants to reach that perfect state. I hope all of those small fruits keep developing properly. Thanks for sharing!

 3 years ago  

Thank you so much!

It's not always easy but watching everything grow and harvesting fresh produce is the biggest reward! :)

I do so enjoy reading about your garden and where you are, especially compared to where I am, which is nowhere. LOL Lots of flowers, nothing in the veg gardens to speak of.

 3 years ago  

Oh! I am glad you enjoy these posts until you get to see all the abundance in your garden. It's just the matter of time! :)