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RE: Garden Journal - May 2022

in HiveGarden3 years ago

So much abundance @nikolina! I love to see it all. Looks like you and your family should have so much fresh produce coming up soon. Your arugula looks fantastic. I've never tried growing it, but it is one of my favorite greens.

I hope in a few years our plum trees will look like yours. We just planted two tiny little babies, so lots of watching and waiting while they grow big and tall. :)

 3 years ago  

Thank you so much!

If you try planting arugula, I hope it will grow nicely, we are still trying to figure it out. :)

Planting and growing trees is so satisfying but it requires a lot of patience. We also have more baby plum trees and sometimes I wish I could speed up the growing process - it definitely teaches me patience, haha.

Oh goodness, patience indeed! I have a hard enough time just waiting the few months from seedlings to fruiting of the smaller plants. Having to wait years will definitely test mine!