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RE: IM SO SORRY - TEAM - IM BACK - LIFE JUST GOT TOO MUCH FOR A BIT --- Needed to hide under a rock - thinking about coming back out???

in HiveGarden2 years ago

Would have been good to know what happened. Sorry to hear you hurt your hand. Glad you are on mend...

 2 years ago  

so sorry, i just sort of turned off the computer and then finding the password again was just so much bother. I know that sounds silly but i just sort of turned off many things as they were too hard. Then as the weeks went by it became harder and harder... you know like when you need to go to the doctor but dont. So you know i, i thought about it every day though... sort of on the mend... but i still can't draw well, or do anything that involves use of strength in my thumb. Its quite a challenge

again sorry, but here is the explaination. crying as i give it

 2 years ago  

It must be hard given it's something you love so much. 🙏💗

 2 years ago  

Yes, its my everything... everything i love i can't do.... its been challenging, especially the no money thing, down 50K with the injury.. anything i would replace work with for money is kinda gone too... painting (though i can do a very little), sewing, tutu making, gardening. Can hardly even cook... well its hard.

Had a lot on my mind that is for sure. but i need to try and figure out what to do now. Doesnt look like hand will repair. pretty upset. actually

Just sad i let everything slide.

 2 years ago  

Doesnt look like hand will repair.

Oh no!! It has improved I hope, though?

Life sure like to throw us curve balls. Have you been working with your other hand on your art? I guess it would be like starting from scratch, but could be worth it if that's your passion.

 2 years ago  

if i wear the brace, small brushes fit in the grooves and i can use them... i can't open the tubes easily though. Ive been playing with digital which uses my right (mouse) hand rather than left painting hand.

i hate the phrase " it is what it is.." but i just have to get on and figure it out really...