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RE: As Above So Below - Animal Farm

Considering how many faints I've seen recently after the jab I'm torn between wondering if it was a faint due to the jab and they were desperately trying to do a save, or believing she actually does faint at random moments. Either is not a good prospect. I know how often nurses have to help lift and support patents as well, because my mum and aunt were nurses. Imagine being in the middle of a lift or support and fainting!

Maybe they're desperate for nurses because they keep leaving. My mum retired early because she was sick of basically being a drug pusher. It wasn't about the patients care and well being any more, so much as putting drugs in them and filling in paperwork. Also trying to coax patients who didn't want to take their drugs any more and having to explain themselves to the management if they didn't succeed in getting them to take them.


I think there's an actual name for it. It says syncope but I thought there was something else it was called.

I've been watching on tik tok a WHOLE BUNCH of nurses who are leaving their jobs because of toxic work environment. And this was even before the whole plandemic going on. Overworked, underpaid is an understatement.