Communication with the dead

in Conspiracy Realists3 years ago

This is not the exact right group to share this story. But this is the only group I'm a member of, so I'll share it with you.
At least it's an interesting story.

I talked with my father after he died. I know it was real, because about a week later I woke up with this inexplicable pain in my right knee. The pain just stopped after about 10 to 15 minutes, exactly as we had agreed. I asked my father to make me feel the pain he always complained about, in his right knee.
The first thing I asked him: "How am I gonna remember this, dad?" Well, he would take care of that, he said. The environment was his interior, but only stuff that mattered appeared in the 'dream'. The chairs were there, and the table, but the rest was white. Just not filled in; white. Not dark, but light.
So, he had a really bad knee. I don't envy him, and now I really understand his complaints. And besides that, I learned some profound things from that 'dream'. Somehow I knew he could make me feel his pain. And so, if you need healing, you only have to ask and you'll get it, if karma allows. And reincarnation is real. And the dead are still around, here and now, just in a different dimension, if a different density, on a different frequency. We can communicate with them, both ways. Send and receive! My father did not know what I wanted to ask him, or acted that way. It could have been God Itself*, appearing as my father, or he could be a separate soul, that I do not know.

  • I refer to God as 'It', because I believe God has no gender, simply because God needs no gender.

This is the short version of the story. I could have given it a little more effort (I already did). It's just that, I like to write, but I hate to read. And this way, it's short, but it does tell the whole story.


One of my best friends died 10 years ago or so, and I have met up with him a few times in dreams. In one of the dreams, I actually think I helped him reincarnate.
I help him, and he helps me when I need it to this day.

There's one more thing I learned from my 'dream'. And that is that in some, or most, or all dreams, we are active in a different dimension/density/reality. I like to sleep a lot because I feel like I do my work there much more efficiently than here. In our dreams, we do the inner work, that's what I feel about it.
@tarotbyfergus It must be a great feeling to have a spirit helping you. And you being able to help him, must be an even greater feeling. I know there are spirits helping me. There are some instances, like that time when something pushed my moped to avoid a collision with a car. The driver was used to small cars I think. The nose of the car was in my way. Something pushed me, as if I was sailing I totally tacked (Dutch: "Ik ging helemaal overstag." I don't know the English word; tacked?), so I just missed the nose of that car. And there have been more miracles of course, most of them barely noticeable.

And it was raining, the road was slippery. I couldn't break. The brakes totally blocked, and I just went straight for the nose of that car, in my lane. Until I almost impacted, about half a meter before I would crash, I was pushed, and pushed hard. By something that must have been there, but was not visible to me.