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RE: Communication with the dead

in Conspiracy Realists3 years ago

There's one more thing I learned from my 'dream'. And that is that in some, or most, or all dreams, we are active in a different dimension/density/reality. I like to sleep a lot because I feel like I do my work there much more efficiently than here. In our dreams, we do the inner work, that's what I feel about it.
@tarotbyfergus It must be a great feeling to have a spirit helping you. And you being able to help him, must be an even greater feeling. I know there are spirits helping me. There are some instances, like that time when something pushed my moped to avoid a collision with a car. The driver was used to small cars I think. The nose of the car was in my way. Something pushed me, as if I was sailing I totally tacked (Dutch: "Ik ging helemaal overstag." I don't know the English word; tacked?), so I just missed the nose of that car. And there have been more miracles of course, most of them barely noticeable.


And it was raining, the road was slippery. I couldn't break. The brakes totally blocked, and I just went straight for the nose of that car, in my lane. Until I almost impacted, about half a meter before I would crash, I was pushed, and pushed hard. By something that must have been there, but was not visible to me.