Tarot reading on the Mandela Effect

in Conspiracy Realists3 years ago (edited)


Today I am taking a look at the Mandela Effect.
It has been coming up in my thoughts recently, and my close family has had a bizarre version of it happen to us.
My brother and his wife have told me about a journey that we took together from Minneapolis the day that my father died. The problem there is that I hadn't lived in Minneapolis for 6 months, and I was already at the house that my brother went to on this journey.
I am currently chalking it up to the Mandela Effect.

What is it and what makes it happen?
Let's see what the cards have to say...

The Lovers over Temperance to me is pretty clear. This is 2 realities(timelines?) being blended together. Temperance is the blending, and The Lovers is the commitment to the union.
As I tried to find out more about The Lovers, we get the Ace and reversed 2 of Pentacles! This pattern has been showing in the readings about aliens and the readings about existence. There seems to be a mirror that gets created by default. In this specific case, it looks like one of the timelines get too heavy(or something) and they have to come together.
I asked of the blending of timelines will increase, and we get the High Priestess. I am taking this as a yes, because the High Priestess is such a potent energy, but maybe we won't even know since this energy is so secret and hidden.
Is it destructive? The answer was reversed Death. That is a yes, for sure. It gets weirder when contemplating the symbol of the child going back into it's mother's womb.
As I pulled a card to see anything I was missing, we get The Moon! This is a common thread through all of the readings about aliens. I am really becoming convinced that a base on the moon is real thing.
When I tried to find out if this phenomena is local to Earth, we get a 7 of Cups. It's a painter and a canvas, so it is local to this creation. I am translating that to say it is local to this solar system, but the creation could really be the galaxy, universe, multiverse, etc...

I would love to hear what you think.

Peace and long life, Hive.


Wow, this is so educating. a must reblog for me.

You got my attention!
About those effects, some of what I experienced... My father and my brother, they both were called Anton, for 50 years, in my reality. Until it all just changed. They have always been called Antoon, with double O. When my father died, he left some physical evidence for me. His life insurance policy spells his name as it was in my reality for 50 years: Anton. His passport, which I also have in my possession, says Antoon. They do not make spelling mistakes in either of those documents. So I keep them as physical evidence of a non-physical phenomenon. That's the mandela effect. I figured out some possible causes, but first I want to watch your reading.

The five of wands could indicate they're fighting over it. They could be fighting a war over timelines. The ET's I mean, they could be fighting over it.
The concepts of 'parallel universes', 'timelines', and 'realities', those are synonymous to each other, I think.
And I think 'the convergence of the timelines', as I think what's happening, is something divine rather than extra-terrestrial. But what do I know? Right!
This is one of your best readings so far Fergus. I appreciate it a lot! Thanks!
Your last question: Is this local? Personally I think it's multiversal. But if it's divine, as I already stated, of course it could very well be local. Interesting. Food for thought.

It could be universal, or multi-versal. The 7 of Cups could totally show all of creation.
I still feel like it's local to this solar system, but I haven't traveled to another system yet, so I am guessing:)

The seven of cups is an interesting card for sure. It could mean all of the cups, or it could mean one of the cups, any of those cups. The cup that shows victory has a skull on it, which would lead to death. It could even say the universe doesn't want us to know, yet. But I'm not an expert, quite the contrary.
General notice: I don't have a key for this account, because I had no clue what I was doing when I signed up. So I'm powering down, I'm gonna make another account, and transfer the hive to that account, for which I will have a key. This process should be finished in about 11 weeks. I think I'll just shuffle the letters in my name. Could be Oqlism, if it's available. Or Loqism. Anyway, that's not now. Moqlis is an option. I'll see. First I need to read about it, how to make a hive account while I know what I'm doing. 😉
By the way, there used to be over 100 million posts here on ecency. Now there are 62 million. I heard they seem to be deleting the internet. I wonder how this reality will turn out. It could just change at any time, by mandela effects. Who knows...

Moqlis is a cool name.

Myqlos it is.
I got a password, it should work. I just hope my PC won't crash, because if it does, I won't be able to access my original Miqlos account.
They made it really complicated. But I'll figure it out.