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RE: Bad expat behavior that annoys me and everyone else


I rarely even take my shirt off at the beach, so I can't even imagine doing that in other public places. I always laugh when I see people driving around with no shirt on. I think I am a happy drunk for the most part but I know the kind of people you are talking about.

 2 years ago  

Some of my close friends are horrible drunks and I let them know about this as well. Some of them I have trained a bit and I will tell them "Alan, you are starting to go over to the dark side buddy." Sometimes this will have a calming effect on them at least for a bit but other times it just makes them more aggressive and when that happens I leave them to it by walking away.

I don't think there is much you can do at that point. I'm not even sure it is a behavior that can be changed given the impairment that comes with it. I know my brother in law can drink most anything and he is fine, but when he drinks gin he gets mean. Could be just figuring out what you need to avoid.