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RE: Things that annoy me more the older that I get


Don't feel bad, I think it happens to all of us! About the only time I really enjoy loud music in a venue like that I am going there specifically for the music. Like one of the honky tonks down on Broadway in Nashville. You're basically there for one reason, so you can't really complain. The situational awareness thing drives me crazy. It drives my wife crazy too, but between you and me, she is just as guilty of it sometimes as the people who annoy her! :)

 2 months ago  

the only time I really enjoy loud music in a venue like that I am going there specifically for the music.

Yes, if you are paying for a concert then blast it man! I will say this though after going to a concert and it was so loud that my neck hurt afterwards that I will still bring ear plugs the next time I go to a concert... which isn't often an option because nobody tours to Vietnam.

The loudest concert I have ever been to was KISS at a small arena near where I live. My ears were ringing for days after that one!