Ugh, I hate when this happens. They did the same to my brother's Chow Chow named Nala once. She had so much hair and they claimed it was too difficult to get the knots out and just shaved her bald basically beside her neck. She looked like a Lion, but that is definitely not what he asked for. Even now, her hair refuses to grow back properly in once certain area. Luckily her fair is 99% full again, but still, we were all really pissed when it happened. Of course, I cannot find any photos of that horrible situation.
At least your girl still looks cute. Hopefully, her hair grows back quickly and she will move on from the haircut.
It will grow back in a couple of months. I can only blame myself because I have very little patience for shopping, even for a haircut (including my own hair)... If I had just taken the time this would have been avoided.
Chow Chow's are shedding dogs right? I want to say that a friend of mine had one of those and hair was just everywhere in his house
Yea luckily hair grows and grows. It will come back soon.
Nala sheds quite a bit, but definitely not the worst shedding I've seen from a dog.