When there's little to no choice, we blame it on something nobody knows what the hell is it, or even exist.
When we have something we don't know to blamed, or even exist, we can create something to fight the don't know what, in order to sell to the country for tax payors money.
There's no more common flu now. "They" need the numbers to continue selling needles. Keep well buddy. A bottle of warm stout at night, sweat it all out, that's what I would do. Best natural medicine 🤣
funny you would say that about the booze. There was a time that I had an illness many years ago that I just couldn't shake even though I was doing what they tell you to do with getting lots of rest and drinking lots of water and what not.
One day my friend has his birthday and insisted I go out and I got super drunk off whiskey that night. The next day I felt better. Behold! The power of alcohol.