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RE: Things that annoy me more the older that I get


People cutting in line

I've been experiencing a stupid amount of this in Georgia. There's zero order or respect for those around you in this place, so the roads are a reflection of how the people simply are on foot.

A few days before New Year's I was standing in a line in a supermarket, I was next to place my things on the belt to get scanned. So I was clearly already in the line, it was blatant that there was no confusion or mistakes. You can't assume otherwise when you're next in line at the regular checkout spots. I looked to my side for a single second and when I turned back some woman had just casually put herself in front of me. At the same time she had the audacity to tell me to wait while she looked around at the other lines to see if they were faster somehow. I was shocked. I didn't let her get away with it.

I see this sort of behaviour here so much, I do not let them get away with it. If someone pushes in front of me, I will either move them out of the way or just move in front of them again. I've reached that point of ensuring it doesn't get accepted. But it's not something I really saw back home in England, there's definitely a bit more respect and order when it comes to such things.

This has a lot to do with phones but is not entirely related to it. It is evident that there are a lot more zombies wandering our streets who can't manage to put down the phone long enough to walk across the street but that isn't the full extent of it.

I also encounter so many people that while walking they just won't get out of the way, knowing that it could be a narrow path and people are coming from the opposite direction, leading to me being the one that really has to move out of the way and still get a hard shoulder into my side. Nobody waits for the other person, you don't get a smile, nod, or thank you for showing kindness here so it simply breeds a more negative atmosphere. Why go out of your way to support the nastiness? Definitely turns you into the same hateful fuck you see everywhere else. It really is like walking in the street is to be around idle-minded people that just stop in their tracks out of nowhere. Just standing in doorways for no reason or ensuring they roam around the least convenient spots for everyone else.

This is all stuff I mostly encountered in Georgia. The people here have led to me deciding to move back to Armenia in summer where the people actually had some awareness and respect for those around. It was more engraved in the culture to not be the most annoying fuck imaginable in the street.

 2 months ago  

sounds like you got fed up and I know people that couldn't hack it here in Vietnam. A lot of people end up feeling this way about the population in China as well but who knows? maybe the social credit system will start getting people in line. I don't meant to paint all Chinese people with the same brush but I have been told (by a Chinese person) that the Chinese tourists tend to behave badly overseas because they are so repressed in their own country so they "go nuts" when they are overseas. Whatever the reason is though, lack of courtesy isn't something that I excuse in anyone.