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RE: Banishing the barrenness

in LEGO3 years ago


It's so wonderful to actually be able to respond to one of your posts! I have been reading them from the outside for so long already.

I think hobbies are wonderful. I have a few of my own, although admittedly have not done any in a while either.

I am left handed, so most needlework is a problem for others to teach me... but I could cross stitch and fell in love with it!!! It's a small grace of therapy!

Hope you have fun with the building.

And lovely to 'meet' you. :)


Oh no, the first post you comment on of mine is this rather scrappy Lego one! Oh well, it is what it is, and I am what I am, so I'll have to roll with it. 😳

I do a lot of things, I'm not sure what you've read of mine so maybe you know this already. I think diversity in life is important and I don't see much value in colouring inside the lines when there's so much space on the other side.

Lego is one of those things and I enjoy it; I like the creation aspect and the process which helps order my mind, keeps it in straight lines so to speak, as sometimes it's...sometimes it's squiggly. The process of building Lego is also good to empty my noggin of whatever echoes around in there that needs to be boxed up and stored for later.

Anyway, you've got some hobbies also, and I'm sure we'll here about them. I have read your introduction post in which you mention me and one of my posts from a while back, and I'll comment there also.

Thanks for commenting and I hope you'll read some more of my posts moving forward, and comment on them also.

I will see you around some more, I'm very sure if it.

I have read a fair amount of your writing in the last few months and I definitely don't think it is scrappy. Hobbies are fun! Lego is fun! Not that I own any, anymore, but I used to and when I did, I enjoyed it, so there you go!

I do have some hobbies and in a way they are all passions. I guess you could even say that my creative artistic endeavors are hobbies too.

I will definitely carry on reading your writing. I found it enjoyable from the start so yes, I guess we will cross paths around here. That would be nice. Having read blogs without being able to reply has kind of created a situation where I feel like I know the writers but they don't know me. So now I will have to change that.

It's good to have hobbies, and be passionate about them, as I am with mine also. Being passionate in all things makes all things that little bit better, even when they're maybe not, as the things reach in a little more deeply and mean more.

You seem like someone who wants to engage with others and are genuine about it and that's a very good thing around here. I'll look out for your comments and posts and hopefully my non-scrappy posts continue to work for you. I can be...well, I can be a nutbag; life's too short not to be so. :)

I agree! and all the most amazing people in this world are crazy. Well, that is what I keep telling myself. Perhaps it is a survival mechanism. :)

Most people are knuckleads, the honest ones admit it.

Facts!! Lol!