Banishing the barrenness

in LEGO3 years ago (edited)


Beware the barrenness of a busy life.

- Socrates -

I've been busy lately, far too busy to make the time for Lego sucks! So, I went in search of some wisdom and, unsurprisingly, found it in the words of one of the words great thinkers, Socrates.

His words spoke to me...well, actually I spoke to me when I said his words out loud, but either way, I realised that being busy, neglecting the things I find great value in, was inhibiting the enjoyment of life. The way I read this quote is that life is too short to do us ones attention on buying busy doing things that don't make one's heart sing and I agree. Sure, my job has to get done, but my life has to get done also, and so...on Friday night I decided to focus on life a little more closely and figured some new Lego would be a good way to do so.

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I headed off to the shopping mall today to look for some Lego to build and whilst I normally build Lego Technic, decided to look at some traditional Lego sets as an option also.

I wandered about considering the various sets I came across and had some trouble deciding but, eventually, I made a decision and handed over far too much money to the shop keeper who said, kids just love Lego don't they?

I smiled weakly and nodded, responding with, oh yes, the little ones just love it!

I think she knew it was for me but was being a smart ass; I allowed her the moment of smart-assery though because my mood was buoyant. I had a new Lego set and what did it matter if she had insinuated I was a big child. She's right after all!

I collected my Lego and headed back to my car feeling pretty satisfied.


As if simply buying Lego isn't cool enough, there's this...

This set is a brand new release but has been superseded and replaced due licensing issues with some of the sponsor logos on the car. But because life is awesome I managed to get one of the original releases. The differences are subtle, just some of the sponsors logos have been removed on the replacement set, but also instead of the tyre-markings actually saying Pirelli on the replacement set it just shows blue banding. I'm really happy to have one of the original sets with the right sponsor logos on it!

I'll begin my Lego this weekend I think and, as you can imagine, I take it seriously. I ensure my work-zone is clear, get my little containers arrayed around me ready for the small bags of parts and ensure there's a good supply of suitable snacks and beverages on hand; it would never do to run out of Lego building snacks. From there I'll get started and delve into the build for a few hours. I usually put some music on and I have Stoto planned for the initial building stage tomorrow.

I'm one of those people who has many diverse interests from firearms and hunting, outdoor activities like four wheel driving, hiking and kayaking to reading, DIY projects and writing. I've done a lot of things in life and will do even more, including more Lego building. I've been a little careless with my life lately through applying an intense focus on my work; I've gained great results there for the effort, but there's been a cost and it's more than I'm willing to pay - That's where Lego comes into it.

I'm looking forward to starting my latest Lego build and will do a few updates as it comes together I guess. One thing is for certain though, I'll get great value from my time spent building and it'll balance out some of that barrenness of life Socrates mentions above.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

I took the images from the front of the Lego box...More to come in the build-process posts.



It's so wonderful to actually be able to respond to one of your posts! I have been reading them from the outside for so long already.

I think hobbies are wonderful. I have a few of my own, although admittedly have not done any in a while either.

I am left handed, so most needlework is a problem for others to teach me... but I could cross stitch and fell in love with it!!! It's a small grace of therapy!

Hope you have fun with the building.

And lovely to 'meet' you. :)

Oh no, the first post you comment on of mine is this rather scrappy Lego one! Oh well, it is what it is, and I am what I am, so I'll have to roll with it. 😳

I do a lot of things, I'm not sure what you've read of mine so maybe you know this already. I think diversity in life is important and I don't see much value in colouring inside the lines when there's so much space on the other side.

Lego is one of those things and I enjoy it; I like the creation aspect and the process which helps order my mind, keeps it in straight lines so to speak, as sometimes it's...sometimes it's squiggly. The process of building Lego is also good to empty my noggin of whatever echoes around in there that needs to be boxed up and stored for later.

Anyway, you've got some hobbies also, and I'm sure we'll here about them. I have read your introduction post in which you mention me and one of my posts from a while back, and I'll comment there also.

Thanks for commenting and I hope you'll read some more of my posts moving forward, and comment on them also.

I will see you around some more, I'm very sure if it.

I have read a fair amount of your writing in the last few months and I definitely don't think it is scrappy. Hobbies are fun! Lego is fun! Not that I own any, anymore, but I used to and when I did, I enjoyed it, so there you go!

I do have some hobbies and in a way they are all passions. I guess you could even say that my creative artistic endeavors are hobbies too.

I will definitely carry on reading your writing. I found it enjoyable from the start so yes, I guess we will cross paths around here. That would be nice. Having read blogs without being able to reply has kind of created a situation where I feel like I know the writers but they don't know me. So now I will have to change that.

It's good to have hobbies, and be passionate about them, as I am with mine also. Being passionate in all things makes all things that little bit better, even when they're maybe not, as the things reach in a little more deeply and mean more.

You seem like someone who wants to engage with others and are genuine about it and that's a very good thing around here. I'll look out for your comments and posts and hopefully my non-scrappy posts continue to work for you. I can be...well, I can be a nutbag; life's too short not to be so. :)

I agree! and all the most amazing people in this world are crazy. Well, that is what I keep telling myself. Perhaps it is a survival mechanism. :)

Most people are knuckleads, the honest ones admit it.

Facts!! Lol!

You are such a little nerd with your Legos, it’s cute 😝

I love it when you pay me such compliments Eve. 😉


Everybody gets a Lego set at Christmas. It is tradition. When the harder ones came out, I knew I was in trouble.

Just like puzzles, Legos fail me.

I love watching them put together. My son wrinkles up his brow and pretends he knows just what to do.

I read this last night and thought I answered.

I'm in talks with Lego about a set based on me. They're having trouble getting the caterpillar eyebrows right, but it's coming along nicely. There's so many parts, some bigger than others.

Should be a best seller.


Darned if I say it, better to be silent.

Le sigh.

You play so unfair.

Hell yes!
Wouldn't figure you collect lego's as well.
I will always remember seeing lego 911 for the first time, pearl white lego's
Thank you for remembering us about quality, non busy time.

I have so much Lego I don't know what to do with it. (I don't break sets up once complete).

I've posted about many of my Lego builds, mostly Lego Technic. I'll do a couple of progress posts on this F1 car as well. Lego do such a great job with their designs and it's hard not to buy them all, but it's very expensive here so I (try to) limit myself.

Awesome idea, yeah they are kind of really expensive all around, simpler ones are long sold out, and other are, well better to invest here or quality vecation lol
There will be a right opportunity
I'd love to see :)

I only buy Lego when it's on sale as I don't really feel comfortable paying full price, but even the sake prices are high. It's a hobby though, and far cheaper than my other hobbies so I make sure I've got the means to buy them. I work hard and deserve a Lego set now and then. (Or so I think.) 🤔

Damn, that looks like fun! I'll never understand the adults that seem to think fun is for kids. Lol, my old roommate was always putting together legos but his method was the total opposite of yours, just dump them all out on the dining room table and then watch TV and kill a 12-pack as he put it together. One turned out so well he had to use electrical tape to keep it together and upright.

How long does a set like that take you to get together?

Fun has no age limit.

Bloody hell man, building Lego with yout mate would drive me bonkers; I'm methodical.

This one will be maybe 12-16 hours all up. I don't go fast. There's no electrics on this one, not much in the way of gearboxes and all. I've built some with 4000+ pieces. This one is 1500 or so. One with way more pieces and complex gearboxes can take up to 24-26 hours.

Oh, that is so doog, i desire one. :)

It's boss right? I'll get some images up in a subsequent post as I build it - I'm excited.

Im so excite too, Hope see that. Big hugs for you.

Lucky it didn't 'Ricciardo for life' on the side of that beast!

That's a good point, and one I thought at the time of purchase also.

I havn't really followed Formula1 for years. I went to Melbourne around 2000 - my first and only ever race attendance, and started following Jensen Button as he was doing the rookie thing. Before that, I just had a Ferrari flag because it was the family team to cheer for. When Button retired, I gave up watching it - was less exciting without someone to cheer for. You a fan of anyone in particular?

Nah, I don't like anyone in particular, I like the racing, the technical aspect and the politics behind the scenes.

You gonna watch the cars rip around Spa this weekend? Its the 2nd best race, after Monaco!

I'm on it like a fat kid on cake! Watched FP1 live last night, and will watch every session and the race of course. This is the first week back from the three week summer break and there's three waces in a row so...good times.

I will have to watch the replays owing to many many commitments requiring sleep (what with the bizarre time zone) and I'm so keen to watch the full race!

There's loads of drivers with grid penalties for taking additional parts so the grid will be very mixed up. Qualifying is in two hours and we'll know the grid. The race tomorrow should be good.

I just watched qualifying. It was pretty uneventful. I'll probably watch the race itself on Tuesday night when I have no other commitments. Be a good accompaniment to my exercise bike regimen. :D

Exercise bikes and Formula One seems like a very good combination.

Gone on a bit of a health trip. Been lifting weights every second day, and followed that up by getting an exercise bike and planting it in the langue room. :D

I ended up staying up late Sunday night and watching the race live. First race I've watched in its entirety live this season, and it was awesome!

Well... I'm reading my posts backwards, well, not literally, but by date. :)

We all still need our toys of one kind or another, don't we?

I have found myself asking myself lately "What do you WANT to do?" "What can you do that would be fun?" "What do you want to do that would make you happy?" I haven't quite answered that yet, but it has made me feel good to start asking it. Mine is not so much that I am too busy, but that I am not busy enough having fun.

I hate when that happens ! Bring on the fun !

It's good to be asking yourself those questions and knowing you're not busy enough having fun is also; it means you can rectify it. You need to funnerise your life.

I love playing with Legos but I've never owned one. My best friend has a lot of them and it's fun putting them together. A lot of people say this is for kids but I don't think it's limited to children afterall fun is for everyone 😁. What you got is cute though

People that say "fun is just for kids" are dickheads.

You bet they are

I think when a person doesn't want to have fun anymore they have some very serious issues to confront, as do those who think fun is just for kids.

Pure fact and then they feel they should drag others into their abyss. Lol

I think that's part of some people's nature; they don't feel happy, have lost the spark, and want to drag others down rather than make changes and rediscover the beauty and vibrancy of life. Some people hold on so tightly to their misery that they forget life is out there to be lived to it's fullest.

Some people hold on so tightly to their misery that they forget life is out there to be lived to it's fullest.

Plus this life is just one and once lost can never be regained. More reason why I don't listen to people who have refused to let go of whatever is pulling them down. I can't spend my life living in misery. I won't say I don't get sad but then I don't let it take fun or joy away from me.
We're living in the present and it's better we act like it. Fun is the present and taking advantage of it, is like breathing fresh air on a daily basis.

It's lovely having this conversation with you @galenkp.

i haven't done any research in a few years on this subject, but for more than a decade, LEGO was producing the most tired of any manufacturer in EUROPE.

BTW, I buy a set, at least few times a year, and can expect at least one set each Chirstmas

Bring on Christmas! If I don't receive any, I buy my own at that time of the year, but aim always receive some as I buy my own Lego Christmas presents.

Nah, not really.

And if you believe that you're bonkers. 🤔😂

oh, I always buy my own LEGO Star Wars Advent calendar!

Buying one's own gifts ensures one will like the gift. It seems so logical to me.

My family has known me as long as I can remember (right?) and yet, this simple lesson seems lost. Who better to know what I really want, than moi???

Haha, it just makes perfect sense. 🤣

This sure does look like loads of fun just waiting to be had. I like that you are methodical about your building process. I think I'm more haphazard than you are but I'd make it fun too, in my own nutcase kinda way hahaha.

Enjoy your lego build, will be epically cool to see the photos in build and when complete.

Building Lego is great fun, although one needs to select Lego snacks carefully as residual Lego snack finger crumbs get on the Lego and that's not ok.

Did you read on CNN that Lego are releasing a Lego version of me? I just commented to dswigle about it in this very post. I know, who would have thought there's be a Lego version of the G-dog?! It'll be cool though, people can enjoy putting my parts where they need to be and it'll not be too complicated, I'm a simple man after all. It's to scale too, from a size perspective.

Who cares what the shopkeeper thinks. I too love to play games as a way to get my mind of more serious things for a while.
I should try Lego.

Lego is life. Enough said. Lol.

Yes please , I am a big child too and don't forget to include 1000 piece puzzle🤩😀
I find this very helpful for our motor skills activation.

Puzzles are great to keep the mind active...and way easier to store than large Lego sets like this one. 😀

Wow didn't know Lego has Formula 1 cars! Looks like I am out of touch hehe!

Yeah, it's a legit looking thing too. I'm looking forward to starting it.

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Is that the required beard for a Lego meister?

Is that the required beard for a Lego meister?

No, it's the required beard for a man.

for a man.

Ah, ok! I'm glad you point that out... it looks similar to that of a friendly cat that meowed, and followed me down the streets yesterday.😂