I love playing with Legos but I've never owned one. My best friend has a lot of them and it's fun putting them together. A lot of people say this is for kids but I don't think it's limited to children afterall fun is for everyone 😁. What you got is cute though
People that say "fun is just for kids" are dickheads.
You bet they are
I think when a person doesn't want to have fun anymore they have some very serious issues to confront, as do those who think fun is just for kids.
Pure fact and then they feel they should drag others into their abyss. Lol
I think that's part of some people's nature; they don't feel happy, have lost the spark, and want to drag others down rather than make changes and rediscover the beauty and vibrancy of life. Some people hold on so tightly to their misery that they forget life is out there to be lived to it's fullest.
Plus this life is just one and once lost can never be regained. More reason why I don't listen to people who have refused to let go of whatever is pulling them down. I can't spend my life living in misery. I won't say I don't get sad but then I don't let it take fun or joy away from me.
We're living in the present and it's better we act like it. Fun is the present and taking advantage of it, is like breathing fresh air on a daily basis.
It's lovely having this conversation with you @galenkp.
We all get sad. One day I'll buy you a beer and pizza and tell you my story huh? But...We all have a life and have the chance to make something of it. The smart people do.
Re: negative people...I have a saying:
"If someone or something is negative, don't go as often and don't stay as long; if you can avoid going altogether, then do that."
Life is more pleasant when this is followed stringently.
My last post of a couple hours ago is about attitude, my own dab attitude. It happens. But we have a choice you know? It's best to make the right one.