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RE: Wednesday Walk along the River

in The Podcast Parlor4 years ago

Awesome stuff man! Love the post and in the new community nonetheless!

Some crazy spider colonies you had there in the trees! Those things overtook Australia (I think? One hot place!) a few years ago if I remember correctly, not the same species specifically but close. It’s crazy to see it!

That hornet was enjoying the flowers indeed, I love going on walks like this but the bugs are intense right now! We tried to go on a short nature hike the other day but we had to make it way shorter than we wanted because of those damn bugs. The bug spray didn’t even deter them lol.

Great first Wednesday walk post!


Thanks! I thought they were big cocoons or something because I could have sworn caterpillars did that to trees. I wasn't sure, that's why I didn't write what they were haha I just googled it to find out and it says:

Why does my tree have huge, giant “spider webs” on tree branches? Spiders actually don't make those webs in trees. Instead, you can thank fall webworms or Eastern tent caterpillars, depending on the time of year. Fall webworms are caterpillars that weave a thick web as they feed on trees

They totally look like spider webs and I would have believed you. We have a crazy amount of spiders all along the river here. My house is always invaded by them around this time. I had to buy these bug repellent things you plug into the wall that let off a frequency bugs and mice hate.

Shit that's nuts! I've seen them myself but wasn't sure what made them. The caterpillars and webworms make sense, not as terrifying as massive spider webs but I definitely don't want to run into that lol