Wednesday Walk along the River

in The Podcast Parlor4 years ago

This is my first Wednesday Walk post hosted by @tattoodjay

I started out going down a trail in my driveway that leads along the Salmon Falls river. I looked up before entering the trail head and saw the picture below. I started to get eaten by bugs but snapped a few pictures of some neat mushrooms I came across before abandoning that idea all together.




I love how big and plump the first one is and it has some awesome natural patterns painted on it. The second one has a lot of texture to it and bumps coming off it that really give it a lot of character. I can't tell you anything about them except that they look cool!


I wrote a post previously about my trip to the Somersworth Riverwalk and decided to head in that direction again, hoping to get that walk in the woods I wanted. When I got there I saw another one of these up in the trees. In my previous post I went to the Right. This time I went left.


It starts off as a normal path but soon the trail gets engulfed by bushes and flowers growing along the edge and the fact that no one travels down here. I came across a cool "bridge" of sticks and saw some neat flowers.





The local Bees love this place as I heard buzzing the whole way walking but tried to pay no attention to the bees weaving in and out of the trail. I was daring enough to take a photo see if you can spot the bee.


On the walk back I saw more flowers and noticed the trail entrance was covered in micah. It looked like I was walking on diamonds there was so much sparkling.



So that was my trip today. Glad I got to participate this week it was a lot of fun. I'm glad I got out of the house and got to do something besides chores haha see you guys again next week.


Welcome to the Wednesday walk sorry the bugs drove you away from the first spot
Those mushrooms are so cool

Love all the beautiful greens

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk

Thanks for hosting. I've been wanting to join but I work Wednesdays. Luckily this week I'm on vacation. Now that I see you can post about walks you've taken earlier in the week, I'll be more prepared next time. I didn't write as much about it as I wanted to but I was really excited to see those neat mushrooms. Got to enjoy the small things nature has to offer.

Yes indeed it’s great to see nature’s small surprises when out and about
I look forward to seeing you join again

Awesome stuff man! Love the post and in the new community nonetheless!

Some crazy spider colonies you had there in the trees! Those things overtook Australia (I think? One hot place!) a few years ago if I remember correctly, not the same species specifically but close. It’s crazy to see it!

That hornet was enjoying the flowers indeed, I love going on walks like this but the bugs are intense right now! We tried to go on a short nature hike the other day but we had to make it way shorter than we wanted because of those damn bugs. The bug spray didn’t even deter them lol.

Great first Wednesday walk post!

Thanks! I thought they were big cocoons or something because I could have sworn caterpillars did that to trees. I wasn't sure, that's why I didn't write what they were haha I just googled it to find out and it says:

Why does my tree have huge, giant “spider webs” on tree branches? Spiders actually don't make those webs in trees. Instead, you can thank fall webworms or Eastern tent caterpillars, depending on the time of year. Fall webworms are caterpillars that weave a thick web as they feed on trees

They totally look like spider webs and I would have believed you. We have a crazy amount of spiders all along the river here. My house is always invaded by them around this time. I had to buy these bug repellent things you plug into the wall that let off a frequency bugs and mice hate.

Shit that's nuts! I've seen them myself but wasn't sure what made them. The caterpillars and webworms make sense, not as terrifying as massive spider webs but I definitely don't want to run into that lol

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I gotta tell you, it still blows my mind to see you write about places that I've actually been... 😂

Nice Wednesday Walk (and it's been far too long since I did a midweek meander for @tattoodjay) and glad you got out before Fred hits us tomorrow. 😊

It's nice we found another New England resident here! Closer to you than I but awesome!

Well, you're going to recognize a lot! I haven't even began to write about the places I frequent around here. I've been really busy this summer and so hasn't my fiance. She's graduating next week though so I should be getting out and writing more.

I'm ready for Fred, the rivers need it. I noticed the river by my house yesterday was really low. I think that's why there was so many mosquito's

The mosquitos have been terrible! We got so lucky most of the summer and they weren't really around. It got hot and they were everywhere lol. Our nature hike the other day ended a lot faster than I thought it would. Damn bugs!

Looking forward to seeing the posts you put out!

OOOOOOH I LOVE mystery walks!
And that looks like a great place to find many mysteries. And the mushrooms juts made me realise who much like earthbound Jellyfish they are...

What a great walk!

I can't wait to see where you take us next Wednesday 😃


There's a top down photo of the mushroom I took but didn't post. I think it looks really neat. I can see the jellyfish vibe or maybe like a turtle shell paint job lol just missing the shell texture. I don't know, glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. It sparked our imaginations.

See and that's right cause there's such wide array of both jellyfish AND Octopus and mushrooms species, so we both see this photo as the top of a jellyfish (and even Octopuss, but then when I see the undercarriage of so many mushrooms- especially with their skirts and frills, I see even more jellyfish and Ocotopus then too...

I think Jellyfish and Octopus are just such magical and extraordinary creatures..
Have you seen My Octopus Teacher? And really any other Sir David marine docos...

Lovely walk. Do you know if those 'shrooms are edibile?

I'm not sure! I wish I knew. I have been seeing all these really cool fungi related posts since I joined HIVE and it's got me super interested. Then I saw a documentary on Netflix called "Fantastic Fungi" and now I'm hooked. I want to find out which ones are edible and try them out!! (That big plump one LOOKS yummy... but I am not daring enough without knowing)

No, don't. One does need to find out. When the weather is right we have amazing ones that come up in our garden. I wrote about them here. I can't wait for the weather to warm up and for the next bunch!

I like your website. It's clean and simple.
Thanks for the story to go with my breakfast.
You have a way of telling a story that keeps people entertained. I loved hearing about your fathers wisdom and the gentleman from the market. It painted a wonderful picture in my imagination as I read it. It's like I was there discovering that mushroom for the first time, too. Now I am EVEN MORE interested in these mushrooms!! That was such a cool story.

Thank you! I'm a bit of a plane Jane... lol. Seriously, though, thank you for your kind words - music to any writer's ears.

Let me know when you find out more about those? I'm calling over @plantstoplanks as she might have ideas as to how you might find out. She's based in Atlanta and has mushroom pals at a farmers market she regularly frequents.

Good luck with your quest!

I'll eat a lot of things. Wild shrooms aren't one of them that's for sure lol

Yay! 🤗
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