To the sea! --- Monomad --- Eng/Esp

Although Talia is not a big fan of swimming in the seas, she agreed to do a shoot in some coastal parts of my area. She told me: Take advantage, because I'm not doing this anymore!. I lent her a white shirt that I had a while ago for these purposes, it is torn on one of it shoulders and I never decided to throw it away for that same reason, it is understandable, right? We walked through various points of the coast, until we found a peaceful and desolate place, even in this summer season.

Aunque Talia no es muy fanática de nadar en los mares, accedió a hacer una sesión en algunas partes costeras de mi zona. Ella me dijo: Aprovecha, porque esto no lo hago más!. Le presté una camisa blanca que tengo hace un tiempo para estos menesteres, está rajada en uno de sus hombros y nunca me decidí a botarla por esa misma razón, es entendible, verdad? Caminamos por varios puntos de la costa, hasta encontrar un lugar apacible y desolado, aún en esta temporada veraniega.

Thanks for the opportunity!
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So kind of her Nice photos from you dear

Thanks so much! 🙏🙏🙏

Welcome 🤗

Absolutely beautiful! It being black and white makes this so much better. The contrast between model and background looks so nice.

thanks friend! 🙏🙏🙏