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RE: Brain Fuck

It's a couple miles away but whenever the sunset is beautiful red we know it is due to air pollution caused by the BASF lol. But the pollution in other parts of the world where there are no regulations at all is even worse. Germany is doing better at this than others I guess. I spent some time in Michigan and knowing what was/is going on there with the water crisis it is not as bad here. At least not officially lol.


Germany is very strict when it comes to the environments. I admire their sense of collecting the garbage sortered out and the fines are huge if someone thinks that they will throw the trash mixed up. I hope all countries will take their example and recycle as much as they can

Well, the grass is not so much greener on our side, but yah, compared to other parts of the world Ger is trying. And the fines depend on where you live here. We don't pay any for example. But to show the flaws of our system it would be a post worth. Germanys halo is not quite earned but at least the awareness per se is raising. some of our "recycled" stuff also ends up here for example, recycling is still a business...sadly.

Wow, so much garbage in those videos! That's just sad.