Brain Fuck

The BrainFuck

Ain't that the most interesting pic you stumbled upon while browsing your feed?

Are you asking yourself what the hell you're looking at?

Well, you are looking into a badgers skull. For those interested here's the story.

Last night the Amygdala in my skull was triggered while watching a scientist in a talkshow.

Spoiler alert: The Amygdala is part of the brain and plays a primary role in the processing of memory, decision making and emotional responses.

My world turned black and white for a moment when he was speaking my truth from years ago.

Have you ever had a situation where people laughed at you for predicting a certain future scenario?

For years I keep saying and seeing that human kind won't make it through this century.

Boy, have I been told how negative I am.

And now guess what, last night my predictions were confirmed by Harald Welzer, a German social psychologist.

His research is focused on memory, violence and the social impacts of climate change and he was speaking out loud what I knew years ago.

That humanity is currently exterminating itself and that this is not a future scenario but is currently happening.

Climate change is already happening, but we are pretending that the consequences will not materialize until some time in the future.

But the future is already now!

Humanity is falling apart in the struggle for resources and money. Our parasitic behavior falls on our feet but people tend to turn away from serious problems first.

The world’s politicians are governed by the economy and the economy only pursues the short-term goals of "growth". After all, shareholders must be satisfied.

The worldwide propagated economic growth, green or not, is the shovel to our grave, because how is this planet supposed to endure even more of our growth?

Nobody speaks of the fact that if our children and grandchildren are to survive we have to do without now.

Renunciation, the bad word, especially for politicians and business.

Shareholders do not like to do without, while the majority of the world's population has to forego everything.

Brain fuck right?

When I look at reality I ask myself why one is still stressing oneself for one's future?

Why do I start a new job when in 10 years the world will be even more screwed.

I've lost hope that everything will get better, survival is the motto of the future and not enjoying retirement on vacation.

Those in charge are old and indolent, enjoying their wealth according to the motto "After me the flood".

They have long since bitten the grass when their children and grandchildren pay for the consequences of turbo-capitalism.

A wonderful future awaits humanity, NOT.

Black and White...and below is the future...indispensable anyway.

©2021 bulldog-joy


Now I have my nightly badger skull interior image viewed I can sleep soundly.

Thanks Anna. You're the best.

Night. 🤪

Welcome that my mission is accomplished I can sleep well myself tonight. Thanks for stopping by 😊 .

Efficient as always.

If we come to the realization that we are all one, then the madness of self distruction will stop. For the moment the majority of people believe that they are fighting for themselves only and that whatever is moral for them works out just fine. This is the cause of misery and mental pollution. I hope to live enough to see a better world with better people. I know it all starts with me becoming better and hopefully the power of example will be strong enough

We may not be all one, but each is one of a kind within our species. And unfortunately it is not about moral anymore, even though it is necessary. To break the system of pollution and destruction we have crossed the line already. It's too late to reverse it, all we could do is keep it at that level.

But is that even possible when profit is the most important thing among those who are accountable? And I agree with you, to start with oneself is key too but the big players need to act big in the first place.

Next to us is a BASF plant. I would think that my part of keeping the surrounding clean fades when looking at this chemical monster company and what comes out of it. And this is just one example.

But hope drives me, even though rational we are screwed. Either way, here's a big hug for you 🤗 and thx for your thoughtful comment 😊 .

Oh having a plant so close to you must have an impact on your health. Here near my city there is also a big factory working with very toxic ingredients to make wooden boards out of scrap wood, many people from that small town have respiratory issues and cancer. I am amazed how they get authorization to work with chemicals in a city filled with people. Have you considered moving out?

It's a couple miles away but whenever the sunset is beautiful red we know it is due to air pollution caused by the BASF lol. But the pollution in other parts of the world where there are no regulations at all is even worse. Germany is doing better at this than others I guess. I spent some time in Michigan and knowing what was/is going on there with the water crisis it is not as bad here. At least not officially lol.

Germany is very strict when it comes to the environments. I admire their sense of collecting the garbage sortered out and the fines are huge if someone thinks that they will throw the trash mixed up. I hope all countries will take their example and recycle as much as they can

Well, the grass is not so much greener on our side, but yah, compared to other parts of the world Ger is trying. And the fines depend on where you live here. We don't pay any for example. But to show the flaws of our system it would be a post worth. Germanys halo is not quite earned but at least the awareness per se is raising. some of our "recycled" stuff also ends up here for example, recycling is still a business...sadly.

Wow, so much garbage in those videos! That's just sad.

"Forecasts are difficult, especially when they concern the future"
(Mark Twain).

But a change always starts with oneself. From today's perspective, I would agree with you, that looks very bleak. But I am too optimistic for that.

Probably the Pandora's box should not have been opened. By the way, the last thing to escape from the box was hope.

True quotation :). Yah quote Friedrich Nietzsche from his book "Human, All Too Human": "Hope is actually the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torment of men. "

I guess I leave it like that and say thanks as well for your comment. Nice to see that you care.

This is bu far your least fun post ever ;<)

Reading this almost makes me glad that I don't have children but I see a lot of amazing little kids around me, including those of my twin sister and really wish them an amazing future.

Let's take things day by day and keep focusing on the positive, no matter how bleak the future might seem. If I wouldn't have any hope ( even if hope is just fear in disguise ), I would just stay in bed from now on.

Sending you a hug from a pretty amazing place in Portugal!

Lol...reality can be harsh ;) the way I just commented on your post...funny...2 Doofe 1 Gedanke as we say in Germany 😂 .

survival is the motto of the future and not enjoying retirement on vacation.

"After me the flood".

I find you are wearing today the not so colorful glasses of defensive pessimism that I also use to wear every now and then. And since today I happen to be wearing the same glasses, let me then share with you some others Brain Fucks about the future of jobs too. };)

Interesting thing this defensive pessimism, thanks for hinting. When you see scientists tear up when speaking of this planets state of being you really want human kind to wake up. Possible before it's too late? guess...nope, a sober observation I would say. We crossed the line but only few want to see it...understandable, is the painted picture indeed rather dark...with some colorful sparkles in it ;).

Sending you a hug, you old cranky humorous Hivian :)

is the painted picture indeed rather dark...with some colorful sparkles in it ;).

Yep, in my opinion, it is how the picture usually looks like when it's seen from the perspective provided by a heretic scientist that while wearing the glasses of defensive pessimism, it allows them to contemplate the painted picture through a colorless greater dose of synderesis, logic, reality and feasibility. };)

Love The Fucking Title

'I have no idea'... it was a skull. Seriously, I thought it was a sea creature for sure. I have a Chiari Malformation.

Because you dropped spoiler alerts, that's why

I have a Chiari Malformation.

Do you? Jeez you are one of a kind lol...

Oh and status...alive 😄
Caution- following a side note - I'm watchin' TV and just saw a Canuk painter who paints with his dick - Brent Ray Fraser

Thought you might wanna know 😂

I so wish I was making that up Anna. So you're aware of that thing then when the cerebellum shifts itself down the spine. That thing. Yeah.. "I wish!"

And that's funny!


(I've always wanted to share that one with a chick but never had the right opportunity so thanks for busting my cherry. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta touch up this piece I'm workin on.....)

😂 Glad I made a wish come true...and pls if you finish the piece you might wanna share it here lolwith a NSFW tag of course ;)

Are you having issues because of that thing?

Negative, I do not. I'll try to shorten it:

Headaches, I live with them. Very rarely like a couple times a year I'll seize up, happened once in a market and really freaked everyone out. Many tests.. many images.. many opinions..

Well it's my previously broken neck constricting oxygen that's gives me headaches and seizures but I was really trippin for awhile. I didn't know if I was dying or what.

During all those tests is when the malformation was discovered but I'm told it's nothing to worry about. And the procedure to correct it involves removing a portion of my skull, thinning it out with skull tubing tools I guess and putting it back where it goes so the cerebellum has somewhere else to go.

I'm opting with 'nothing to worry about.'

I'm opting with 'nothing to worry about.'

Yap...would do too. Keeping my fingers crossed and what in the bloody hell have you done to break your neck?

You're worse than me when it comes to surprise medical findings lol 😅

SOOOOOO? Are you back Anna?

That was some nihilistic shit right here, I agree with most of what you said, and what I don't agree about, well it doesn't matter, because I won't convince ya or anyone (it's because you went on that climate change tangent 😁) .

We do need to learn how to survive, no matter what the future beholds. I've been for now, really on point about predicting the future, almost 100% accuracy! 😆 Verdict: We are fucked!

It doesn't feel good though...

Yah climate change...I should be more specific when it comes to that as I know that this is a normal thing to happen. It's just the pace I guess and one cannot deny that human kind did not make this planet a better place to live on. It may not be the climate per se...even though our bodies can just endure so much of a warming and change of conditions, but the pollution and exploitation that will extinct us in the long run...or in the mid run.

Ummm looking out of the window the sun is nice is that please 😄...just so there is some nice words written here lol.

I will try to get a better routine with being back here again. I have to adjust to the new conditions I find myself in lately...damn money earning lol.

Alright so a little explanation on my part. I am not a "climate change denier" as they call it, but I also know that most of the biggest polluters are at the origin of these climate change laws, carbon tax, and many more agreements that are made in the name of "ecology", but in fact it's still the same actors in charge of the narrative, anyway it's a whole discussion for another time.

Though, I cannot deny that we've been affecting earth in irreversible ways, I still think there is a chance for people like to us to make a difference in the long run.

Ummm looking out of the window the sun is nice is that please 😄...just so there is some nice words written here lol.

Hahaha much better!

I will try to get a better routine with being back here again. I have to adjust to the new conditions I find myself in lately...damn money earning lol.

Don't worry we all have to do what we have to do! I am just happy to see you back, I always enjoy your sense of humour and point of view.

I am just happy to see you back, I always enjoy your sense of humour and point of view.

Thx...means a lot to guys rock here and I really enjoy this little corner called Hive.
