😂 Lucky you I saw them all and didn't just think you were editing the same comment over and over.
Yay blackbirds!
Yay surprise that isn't much of a surprise anymore!
Yay I went for an overnight campout for a friend's birthday.
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LOL, I just didn't give a crap about editing, screw that.
😂Very noisy and competitive, but the cardinals sing out louder above them.
I couldn't keep it to myself. I KNOW you get it, LOL! It hit me later that a message was sent that way, so have figured out what that is and well, it was good to get the heads up on something I was waiting for. A little confirmation by phone today, so at least am aware.
That's absolutely wonderful decadence, at least in my mind. Always a special thing to be out in nature and to share a celebration, even better.
Short story of getting an intuitive prod into my thoughts several times, then hours after taking photos and looking at them, it hit me that those two things matched up around same thing, so made a call today that pretty much confirmed it. You know those calls where it's a situation where the organization can't release information, but what they can't say pretty much confirms what you suspect, so that, by phone.
You've lost me. I thought you got a call from mixed tape! I was like, why the fuck would you give him your number??!!
LOL! No to the mixed tape and extra no to giving my number out. It's about my mother.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Did you talk to her?
No I didn't. I did all that I could with the situation and I made my last call to her at end of January. A friend kindly reminded me how those who are dying will keep hanging on as long as loved ones hold them here. I didn't want to do that, so I said good-bye without telling her that directly in the last call. She had degraded to the point where it was close to impossible to even talk. I remember this from my father going through this same thing a few years back. This week, thoughts of her kept popping into my mind, which hasn't happened for a few months. Then the meeting in the cemetery and late that night, it came into my thoughts very clearly that a message was being delivered. Today, I called the hospital and they have no record of her there. From that, I gather she is dead now. When exactly I don't know and I can't find confirmation in obituaries, which is the only way I'm going to find out, unless there's a repeat of this, which I am hoping to avoid, in the event of, I won't be answering the door at all this time. I also won't be caught off guard this time either. Not meaning to be a downer, it's just the way it is.