Fingers crossed!
It is always sad to see a dead plant, but as others grow and need bigger pots the free space is kinoff welcome ;)
I do my own mix. No special recipe or proportions. I am picking some very sandy soil or sand in the woods. Just make sure it is not too fine. Smaller rocks are very welcome. And then mix it with some compost, lava rocks, an perlite. It has to be fast raining an loose. So maybe (an that is just rough, I don't measure anything) 1/3 of the compost an the rest is sand and rocks.
I do the same for cacti, but for succulents I add a bit more of the compost. Cacti get more rocks and sand.
Yes, and then when they go into the compost they become matter again... and sometimes even reseed and cut themselves ! For the moment the new ones seems to be well 😇
Thank you for these recommendations, I'll really have to learn how to do that, to prepare my soil better, it's a bit shameful that I didn't start earlier... but maybe the small size of our flat is partly to blame ^^
Have a great week ahead @ewkaw, hope the weekend was good ✌️