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RE: Snow You Know

in Black And White2 months ago

That was a few moons ago.
It was acceptable. I did it myself while still posting from my main account and never saw any problem with it, as it indeed involves a completely different edit process.
I don't have to agree with it, but it became the Hive community consensus I guess.


It was. How has it been four plus years already?
Okay, just wanted to make sure you understood why it happened.
Lol, I missed that part but the same thing happened when single image posts became persona non grata.

 2 months ago  

The community account was created on February 2020.
Monomad is running since 2017/18. It started on that other chain we shall not name, lol.
The Hive ecosystem keeps evolving and so does what's acceptable/supported or not.
As a photographer the single images never bothered me at all either, as I understand what's behind a good photograph, but curation projects have another point of view regarding that, and regarding the type of content they want to see and reward in Hive. It was a necessary change and adaptation.
Besides that, single image posts are normally published by spammers/farmers.
Not saying there are not some good photographers doing it too here and there, but unfortunately that's the exception and not the rule.