Snow You Know

It is cold. Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey. You could say I detest the cold and you'd likely be in the running for 'Understatement of the Year'. Do make an exception for when it actually snows enough to shut things down around here.

Doesn't take all that much to manage that but it don't happen very often either. Happened to have a new (to me at least) 85mm prime and naturally snowstorms are the best conditions for testing new kit, so I had to give it a shot.

It was snowing good enough that it had me wondering about the weatherproofing on my Nikon. Anyone ever snowed a camera to death? Only stayed out for about an hour before my muscles had had enough of my novel new way of walking. Went back out the next day once the snow was done (ish) and shot some more, these photos are a mix from both outings.

I've posted color version of these already but snow shots just beg for the monochrome treatment, they're nearly there already. Ended up spending most of my second outing on the golf course turned sledding extravaganza.

I was far from the only one out there, was rather nice to see the community turning out to enjoy a bit of spontaneous fun. Once the snow stopped falling the temperatures started to, we're down in the single digits (F) presently, so the snow isn't going anywhere in a hurry.

Has made me a little less inclined to get out and shoot more. They've prescribed us another 2-5 inches on Friday, so I'll have to go investigate that for sure.

One thing is for sure, the powdery white stuff sure makes the city seem a lot more scenic.


Walking on snow is a very impressive event, it is my dream someday

One day it will happen!

It feels very cold like it, very thick snow is falling in your area, I have never felt how cold it is when the snow starts to come, today you managed to capture some of these extraordinary moments with your new lens 😊😊

It is cold, and currently snowing more. I'm slightly jealous, I've felt that cold more than I care to already :) Thank you friend.

 2 months ago  

We noticed that you already posted all these images before here and here.
Honestly we don't remember you doing it before, and I am sure you must have your reasons to do so, but we would appreciate if you didn't do that in our community.
Reused images are not the type of content we want to support and see here.Hello @coloneljethro.

Are you saying we can't post B&Ws if we've already posted the color shots? I'm confused as fuck. I posted them before, in color, and then a couple days later went back and picked out the ones I liked best and converted them to black and white and edited them some more. If that counts as reusing I'll not do it again, but I did it because I thought we were treating them as separate edits/images.@monochromes

 2 months ago (edited) 

Some people do some people don't (treating them as separate edits/images).
I've seen users being tackled for doing it before and getting in trouble, so I decided to try to avoid having such type of content in the community.

Gotcha. Back when you were trying to wrangle everyone into posting in the community you'd told me it was acceptable (I was worried this would happen), was still operating on that guidance and was very confused.

 2 months ago  

That was a few moons ago.
It was acceptable. I did it myself while still posting from my main account and never saw any problem with it, as it indeed involves a completely different edit process.
I don't have to agree with it, but it became the Hive community consensus I guess.

It was. How has it been four plus years already?
Okay, just wanted to make sure you understood why it happened.
Lol, I missed that part but the same thing happened when single image posts became persona non grata.

 2 months ago  

The community account was created on February 2020.
Monomad is running since 2017/18. It started on that other chain we shall not name, lol.
The Hive ecosystem keeps evolving and so does what's acceptable/supported or not.
As a photographer the single images never bothered me at all either, as I understand what's behind a good photograph, but curation projects have another point of view regarding that, and regarding the type of content they want to see and reward in Hive. It was a necessary change and adaptation.
Besides that, single image posts are normally published by spammers/farmers.
Not saying there are not some good photographers doing it too here and there, but unfortunately that's the exception and not the rule.

 2 months ago  Reveal Comment

It really is. When I was in high school I was in Washington DC for a conference in late March, on the last day it snowed, which was the first time some of the people at the conference had ever seen snow. Seeing their reaction to it gave me a new appreciation for it.
I bet Jerusalem in the snow was something to behold. Ha, that sounds like shooting with my first DSLR and its kit lens in the snow.

 2 months ago  Reveal Comment

That looks like quite an experience :D

 2 months ago  Reveal Comment

Thank you, but I'm blaming the snow :D