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RE: Snow You Know

in Black And White2 months ago

its amazing to have something absolutely different made by nature for our eyes to see and to inspire us without to travel far with the goal to see this. Lovely moments of the snowy places.
once i was with my film Fuji GA645 in Jerusalem immediately after the snowfall and it was around 3C and part of frames turned out very not sharp, like taken with a slow shutter. But this camera is around 30 years old and the technology was different.


It really is. When I was in high school I was in Washington DC for a conference in late March, on the last day it snowed, which was the first time some of the people at the conference had ever seen snow. Seeing their reaction to it gave me a new appreciation for it.
I bet Jerusalem in the snow was something to behold. Ha, that sounds like shooting with my first DSLR and its kit lens in the snow.

 2 months ago  Reveal Comment

That looks like quite an experience :D