| MONOMAD | Not in danger

in Black And Whitelast year


No. The eggs are not in danger.


Mum and dad are in the hospital, because he was feeling bad since last night, with high blood pressure and today they didn't wait any longer to see the doctor (but I just found out about all of this a few minutes ago).

Now I'm just waiting for them to call me back to find out the diagnosis and what the electrocardiogram says.


It is a curious thing... I took these photos a few hours ago. I woke up relatively early, but I didn't get out of bed because I felt unwell. I had thought today would be a good day to ride my bike to the coast. I have a to-do list for this wednesday, but that morning ride was ruled out by a physical ailment. So... I just rested a little more.

But why this photo?

It's not that Yin has been like that all the time, but it was the scene I resonated with. And here I stop to think about why we take one picture and not another. It's that there's something there in the mind that dominates us, that wants to say something. What's happening to us. What we're experiencing.


This is what it said, do you see it? It was me. I was just recreating that dormant part of myself. My legs feel fragile...


And why did I take this other picture? Well, it's because I finally managed to get out of bed and I was wandering around the yard, letting the sun warm my bones a little.

Even though the temperature has improved these days, and we're back to our usual warmth, where I live has a microclimate and it feels cool when I come out from under my blankets and go to the yard. That's why I always wear a coat, until my body tells me to take it off. I'm very allergic and sudden temperature changes don't sit well with me.


My parents are already at home. Mamani just called me on the phone. The electrocardiogram shows no abnormalities. Everything is fine with the eggs... I mean, with my dad. Although now the doses of medication for his blood pressure are higher and he will have to be more careful with his diet.

I breathe.

Life goes on and it looks like this will be my post for the #Monomad Challenge.

Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.


Que susto. I am glad that everything is fine with your dad. Greetings to @mamani and may everything be fine! 🙏

Yin is doing a Wednesday walk in the yard after long sleeping hours? 😂

Well, imagine I sat down at the laptop to do some work on Hive, I was looking at these images that I didn't really intend to publish and Mamani called me: Daughter, we are in the hospital and I have almost no battery. 😵

Well... I think while I was writing this I stopped overthinking until she called me back.

Yin is doing a Wednesday walk...

Jaja... sí.

In those moments you can't really help just wait, and try not to be very worried. Making yourself busy, like writing a post can help, you see ;)

🤗 Thank you, mipiano.

What beautiful pictures my dear friend. I love them. The touch of black and white gives it a very original charm. greetings.👌

Black and white is magical, that's why I love it. Thanks 🤗.

So glad to hear that your eggs dad is OK.

Now get out of bed!!!Don't be so lazy!!

Thank you. 🤗

I already got out of bed, but I'm thinking of going back to it in a little while. 😁

It's good that your father is already home, although he's well medicated, but I know it's a terrible time to wait. The cats help even in photographs, which I love, I love cats.... have I ever said that? I think thousands.

Nani hug!🤗

Meow, meow, meow... That means yes! 🤗 Thank you.

Yes! That means! But more I am happy that all is well for you and your family.

Gracias 🙏🏻 again. 😉

Que bueno que tus padres están bien nani 🙏 descansa, seguro que otro día podrás dar ese paseo en bici. 🚵‍♀️

Todo está bien. Gracias por preocuparte, pequeña Jessy, amiguita. ;)

@nanixxx, today the least important thing is the photographs, which I like. I'm glad that everything was just a scare, a big hug from here and my best wishes for your daddy. 🤗

Hug received! Thanks, glad you liked these photos.

I'm glad dad is okay. Sometimes, it's best to slow down

See? Told you you're wise.

Thank you, Nicky! 😇

I don't think so, but oh well... better not get into an argument 😅


A philosophical discussion, dear woman!

Who has the time for an argument these days?!

😁 a big hug to you.

You too, lovely :)

Wish we could have tea! I suspect we'd chat for days <3

Well, do you speak Spanish? Because my English is not as fluid as a cup of tea. 😂

Not yet! 😉

But I will one day. I need to finish of my French first :( I can't move on until it's fluid. Just the way I "work". And it's holding me back because time...

I actually looked at a course online last night! :D I'll do it and then tackle Spanish. Similar conjugation and it should be faster then

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much @brumest and @qurator Team. 🍀

Ay! nani que bueno que todo esté bien con tus padres. Por lo demás, hay días así, por suerte se van tan rápido que podemos darle una oportunidad al siguiente con facilidad. 😘👋

Gracias. Vamos mejorando 😅 con la actitud de mejorar. 🙏🏻👌🏻

Qué bueno que fue solo un susto. Así debe haber sido el mal rato que pasaron todos. Los huevos están bien...solo necesitan más cuidado ;). Y espero que tú también estés mejor. Yin se ve adorable en esas imágenes, es un....santo 😬🤭🤣.

Gracias. Todo está bien. Solo debe cuidarse un poco más y lo hará, pero además no está solo en eso.
Yo con dolor de cabeza hoy. Mañana estaré mejor. Descanso de pantalla, y una pastillita ;)
Al santo hay que quererlo como es. A veces me quedo mirándolo cuando está en sus momentos de ternura... y pienso que quizás ha tenido una vida muy dura y por eso es como es.

I with my problem did not read your post and so worried you were. At first I didn't want to worry you. How nice daughter, and you anticipate the problems. That is the love we have for each other and the connection between daughter and parents. I love you very much. 🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️

No, I don't anticipate problems, what I believe is that you have to keep positive thoughts in mind when facing any problem or focus on something useful and productive to avoid overthinking. I love you, mom. Take care of dad. Zero fats, zero flours, zero alcohol, zero, zero, zero... boiled stuff, you know, like how I make them. Hahaha... a kiss.

I'm glad you took that other picture, it's my favorite. And glad your dad and the eggs are fine.

😅 Thank you. What happened to me is that the call took me out of the thread of what I was writing. The part where I was going to explain that those eggs are in my backyard, but I don't have chickens... they are the neighbours' chickens that come to eat and breed here, disappeared from Peakd.
I didn't want to edit after that... everything happens for some reason.

It worked out perfectly!

the neighbours' chickens that come to eat and breed here

I first read this as come to break bread here... lol, imagined neighborhood chickens having a dinner party in your yard.

😁 Yes, they have parties too!

I would sooooo go to a chicken party.

Nice work, I like your black and white. 👍

Thank you very much. Glad you like it.

You are welcome! Yes I do like it.