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Not yet! πŸ˜‰

But I will one day. I need to finish of my French first :( I can't move on until it's fluid. Just the way I "work". And it's holding me back because time...

I actually looked at a course online last night! :D I'll do it and then tackle Spanish. Similar conjugation and it should be faster then

😁 I'm still studying English to see if I can make it work. But I have no one to talk to.


Want to have online tea sometime?

Happy to do a half hour session once a week to chat with you in English. It's the best (if not only) way to really learn a language, I think.

Whe I start Spanish we can do an hour and switch half way...

πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‰ Thank you for your willingness.

Thank you for not correcting my typos :D
