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RE: Who Comes First?

in The Kingdom11 months ago

If your wife, kids, family, friends, and neighbors are all part of the local physical Church, or spiritually are Christians (then they are part of the Church in Spirit), then they are all moved to #2 on your list. Your well-being should never be harmed in any way by people who live their life as Christians. Therefore, having the Church as #2 should never be an issue when it is the real Christian Church that includes your wife, children, friends etc etc. This is hard to visualize if there are people in your local Church who say they are 'Christian', but do not live as a Christian. Being a Christian is a way of life, and that is the most important thing that I have learned over the last few years. Thanks for your post, it is something we should think about.


That's a really good point.

Christianity isn't a 'religion', it's a relationship.

That relationship is part of my ongoing testimony. A very condensed summary of my background may be found here: It is good to find another with faith in the way of Christ, here. 🔥