Who Comes First?

in The Kingdom11 months ago

Yesterday I made a quick post on Liketu about the day I had with my family!

It was met with lots of fantastic comments and kind words from the community. I'm forever grateful for the people that pop by and leave their comments, especially when the posts have to do with my family. I know it's not something I write a lot about on chain, but obviously, I'm trying to become a much better father and husband, so anytime I can highlight my family, I'll take that opportunity.

One comment from @fjworld though I was particularly taken by. And for good reason because he brought up a point and a question a lot of that 'claim' Christianity sometimes tip toe around.

I'm paraphrasing here, but he essentially asked where does God fit into my priority list because the post I wrote was so focused on my family and how I need to make them a priority in my life.

Wow, that's a big question.....

So here's what the bible says about what our priorities should be:

The first mention of putting God first comes directly from God in His 10 commandments:

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me" - Exodus 20:3

That's pretty direct, but I am looking for more personal verses. Yes, God only and no other 'gods' but what about our families? How do they fit into the Christian life? Sure God wants us to put them before Him right? Let's see....

"If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." - Luke 14:26


A lot of bible translations have 'hate' as the word there, but essentially what this means is that we cannot love something more than God. That is the cost of discipleship. The Strong's definition also refers to this as to 'love less'. So the bible is clear, we are to put God first.

So easy to say right?

How about the human element to this and which is why I wanted to write this blog post. Because this is something I truly battle with because I know what the bible says, however how I am supposed to love God more and put Him first rather than my own flesh and blood?

Paul said it best....The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak;)

When you strip it all down, and take a big picture view of it one can understand why we are told to put God first. Our saviour, our creator, our God. And at the end of times, we pray that our families get to spend eternity in heaven together. But this is on paper, how can you really make this feeling a reality?

I honestly don't have the answer, however this is where faith comes in for me....

I don't understand it all. I'm not sure I ever will. I do not understand the big picture of existence or how God's divine plan is working out for all of us. However, I have faith. Faith that I will get it explained to me in due time. Faith that I must teach my children to put God first as well, even if Mommy and Daddy come second (oh boy, that's a tough one to explain to them huh?)

Faith doesn't come from seeing all the time, and that's bible....It comes from trusting in something that you may not understand and that is much bigger than you. And it does also come back to putting others first. Self wants to be put first. And part of being selfish, wants to put our flesh and blood before the spiritual. But that's not what God wants.

Death to self and bearing our crosses also means, putting our own needs second. So here's how I break down 'who comes first'...



In that order. I guess I fit in after that, but I still believe as Christians community and friends must come before us as well.

This is a tough one though, and part of the journey I'm still trying to wrap my head around :)

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I see it kinda like this. Love thinking through this.

  1. God

  2. A. Wife

  3. B. Kids

  4. My well being

  5. A. Career

  6. Neighbors, friends, family

  7. A. Church

I see taking care of wife and kids and part of 1 because that is what I see God wanting. Putting him first is putting my wife and kids first.

  1. you have to keep yourself right so you can provide and be there for your kids and wife.

  2. taking care of the rest.

If your wife, kids, family, friends, and neighbors are all part of the local physical Church, or spiritually are Christians (then they are part of the Church in Spirit), then they are all moved to #2 on your list. Your well-being should never be harmed in any way by people who live their life as Christians. Therefore, having the Church as #2 should never be an issue when it is the real Christian Church that includes your wife, children, friends etc etc. This is hard to visualize if there are people in your local Church who say they are 'Christian', but do not live as a Christian. Being a Christian is a way of life, and that is the most important thing that I have learned over the last few years. Thanks for your post, it is something we should think about.

That's a really good point.

Christianity isn't a 'religion', it's a relationship.

That relationship is part of my ongoing testimony. A very condensed summary of my background may be found here: https://hive.blog/ktlc/@ktlc/introduction-ktlc-know-truth-love-christ It is good to find another with faith in the way of Christ, here. 🔥

Yeah it's been a struggle for me, but I'm working through it for sure. Makes sense as you laid it out!

A nice read. Thank you for the mention. !LUV

Hopefully you will not do too many wraps around your head. !LOLZ

For those who may not read my referenced comment that got some Johnny juices flowing...

Now I understand you are a practicing Christian but I don't know where God fits in for you. For me, its an omnipresent state of awareness.

I don't place myself on the same list as God. It's omnipresent. Quantum physics.

Always good to exercise the grey matter. Thanks for the fun.

thestonerolledaway1100x440.png@jongolson Thank you for your post. I have questioned these things myself. Christianity, being a Christian is not a burden when we learn that God (The Creator) works THROUGH people, including our own family. God does not only work through Christians, he works through everyone, including non-believers and even the wicked. This may sound odd, but God uses the wicked to judge and chastise others. God also uses our own family to test us, lift us up, or sit us down to think. Your post is much appreciated and I can say it is a learning journey, learning Christianity by reading the Bible. I recommend reading the Bible (KJV) primarily, and anything else after that. Thanks for your post. I have written some about these things, maybe it will help those seeking more: https://open.substack.com/pub/ktlc/p/to-be-saved?r=3lvdud&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

Yeah I'm KJV only, without being KJV only lol

KJV is a good start. ✅️ The Geneva Bible is also accurate without as much passion as the KJV. The Hebrew text of some books, like the Gospel of Matthew is good too. And things like the Dead Sea Scrolls contribute additional historical witness to scripture. I recommend them all, yet the Geneva is Ol' Englisch and is difficult to follow in some areas. With a.i. messing with things, I also recommend hard copies of accurate scripture, esp the 1609 and/or 1611 KJV.

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Part of the walk for me, has been a lot of exercising the grey matter :)

My list


Nuclear family

Extended family



And others…

Fantastic list :)

I really understand why we should put God first among the rest, all we have in this world is nothing but temporal. The paradise is eternal and those who spend their eternity there will never taste death or rebirth again. They're forever freed from suffering. I'm a Christian and I am in the process of reminding myself of how I can always put God first. I have to learn it.

That's the best way to look at it. All this is temporary, but our eyes are on eternity.

It is true that we have the most love in the world with our family, parents, wife, children and this is what we are told that we have to take care of all these people in our life so that All these people should not face problems.

It all boils down to faith. Sometimes you don't have faith and it won't all makes sense, but the Bible says I know the thoughts I have towards you. So basically it takes faith to know God.

Amen to that!!

In this lifes, a lot of people have different priorities on who to come first but one thing I always believed irrespective of the list of priorities, the first person on the list should be God. Then other list like families, friends and others can follow.

For my own list
I will go with

In that order

Fantastic list. Really well laid out!

I think this can be reconciled by considering what it takes to love God. If you truly follow Jesus you would obey the 10 Commandments and live according to His teachings.

If you can live according to His will, then you are naturally able to honor your family as you cannot do wrong to them. By being in God's grace, you will be a good husband, father, and so on.

If you fall short of grace, it is because you have wronged others.

By putting God as your top priority, you have no choice but to be godly towards those who you love and those who are just "meh" in order to merit God's grace.

The trickle down effect for sure!!

I am not Christian but I do think family is important. I can't really say anything about the part about God but I do think that religion does teach them quite a few good morals and it will help them down the line. Line is full of surprises and changes happen. I am glad that the change is moving towards something better for your family.

Yeah I'm always grateful for these lessons and opportunities to grow my faith.

Tough slugging j, tough slugging

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