What if you fail at the end of the day?


I have trust issues, which causes me to have four or five backup plans. It is amusing and probably silly, but this habit has saved me many times.

These backup plans are not substitutes; they are simply a form of security, similar to wearing a parachute and having two or three other deployable parachutes in case the first and second ones fail.

There is no such thing as a first plan; it is always flawless and beautiful; however, first plans do not always work out. Most of the time we are lucky, but it does not always work.

For example, some people have the following plans: Graduate at 25, marry at 26, earn a PhD at 30, and own a fleet of mansions by 40.

It is difficult to see anyone with plans like: "Hope to graduate at 25, if not 27 or 28 is fine, oh I am nagging a PhD will be nice, but if not, I can always get into another hustle, and if the business fails, I can get into a second one, it will be good to find a woman to marry at 30, if not I will keep looking, if I finally get established, I would like to own a house at 40, and if not 40, then I will keep hustling."

The second plan has numerous flaws and appears to lack solidity, but it is more realistic than the first.

In fact, no one includes a third plan, such as: "What if I have an accident or die while hustling? What happens to my soul? If I have a wife, what happens to my children? Will they suffer poverty as a result of my absence?"

Third plan feels negative

..so let's ignore it

The third plan is mostly cancelled or cushioned in the hope that the worst will never happen, but what if it does?

For me, multiple plans exist due to a fear of failure and a lack of trust in the first plan. This lack of trust stems from coming to terms with life's unpredictability.

Confidence or hubris?

However, we must not believe that nothing is unpredictable, as this is a major Achilles heel. I refer to it as hubris, a type of trust in things over which we have no control; it is confidence in something that is unsustainable. It is like assuming that just because it is sunny in the morning, it will not rain at night.

Back in college, whenever I became ill, I would try to seek the assistance of as many people as possible, because I did not trust anyone to come through for me. That is because I, like everyone else, am capable of failing. Being angry because someone failed us stems from a lack of careful planning.

One of my cousins was angry that an uncle failed to help me. For me, I believe he did not intend to fail, and if he had, the outcome of seeking the help he desired would not have disappointed him.

Sure, loyalty causes us to crave unjustified expectations, but we can also be loyal while remaining realistic. Perhaps I have faced a deeper and darker reality, which has helped me see more clearly.

Talking to two or three people meant I was confident that someone would show up. One person may be unable to assist due to circumstances beyond their control, which is fine; however, speaking with two other people ensures that I will not be unlucky.

You can never be unlucky when you know you can easily be unlucky

This appears to be a paradoxical statement, but sit down, digress, and understand it

Understanding life requires you to accept uncertainty, understand what it means, why it is unavoidable, and how to prepare for it. There is no way to prepare for unavoidable events, but you can mitigate their impact.


Nowadays, I realize that we cannot always make multiple plans. I have had to rely on one plan for the past two years because things happened, bad things happened, and I do not have any other options.

It is scary, especially for someone like me. It scares me because I understand what failure means and the consequences that come with it.

There is nothing like having a solid plan: you are either living in a false sense of security or you are completely lost.

The Titanic was virtually unsinkable, or that's what the tech guys who built it in 1900s thought. There can never be smarter technology. The problem you are currently facing may only be solved by technology developed in the future.

However, all of this is obviously FUD. There are two types of FUD: realistic and baseless*FUD. This one is realistic, but now let us talk about faith and hope.

Many people have only one plan, and unfortunately, we do not plan for failure. On the bright side, if we are confident that our plans will succeed, we may not need to. Yes, it feels scary, but faith is also a powerful tool.

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Monopoly Is the Death of Civilization
Survival: Choas and Scarcity
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What Are Some Things You Should not Do During A Bull Market Year?



I have trust issues... My personal mantra. The old PhD doesn't ever earn anything, as a matter of fact most of the billionaires in the world have degrees in engineering and not a doctorate! The best laid plans of mice and men...

I've been around long enough to realize that no matter what plans you make, fate doesn't always work that way! Always make a solid plan and hope for the best but plan for the worst, and then hopefully you won't go down with the Titanic.


Well, I guess this makes the two of us when it comes to trust issues. I like to always recheck and even when the plan is solid proof, I still don't trust it to work.

You're right, most wealthy people don't even have doctorates, but somehow it becomes a thing of self-gratification when people can set them as goals and hit them.

I thought it was just me. I have just one plan at this point and even then I know it can all still go wrong, I have hope and Faith.

@tipu curate

Thanks a million

I can see why you'd be scared for having only one plan when you used to have multiple backup plans.

Maybe times will change, and you'll be able to have your backup plans again.

For crypto only, I need to create a plan for what should I do if this was it... If this was the bull market. Unlikely, but you never know... Maybe not as unlikely as your 3rd plan from the post from when you were younger. But even that could happen, unfortunately. And if people wouldn't think about stuff like that, life insurances would be out of business.

Yeah, it's scary to have just one plan. I use the be the guy who didn't rely on one plan, or be pressured to rely on one plan. Unfortunately this is it.
As for the bull run, we probably have the hope that that wasn't it. But that's probably the main point of the post: having this inkling uncertainty is always present and anything can happen.

Yeah, I understand the concept of insurance, but I still feel that if everyone has that 3rd plan, or at left 80% of people then insurance will be the most lucrative sector

This is true wisdom. Life really doesn’t care about our perfect plans. Having backups is smart, but even then, things can still go sideways. I guess we just roll with the punches and keep moving forward as hard as we can

Indeed life doesn't care about perfect plans. Infact there aren't perfect plans, as anything can actually happen.

yes you're right my friend, Just about anything can happen and at anytime

Backup plans are always good to have. Things don't always play out the way we want. It's rough when you have to make changes and don't have any good plan to deal with things.

I don't think it's bad to have multiple plans, it's just too painful and stressful when the first one fails, especially when you only have one.

Life indeed is full of different uncertainty

Indeed, I agree.

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It is always ideal to have a backup plan. Even at the point of being focused and committed, having a backup plan is very key. Shoot for the sky, so when you fail you land on the clouds, the cloud is the back up.