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RE: A Brief Insight Into My Take on the H.A.T.E.D Ethos in Regards to Tyranny: A Desperate Plea for Earth's Citizens to Open Their Eyes Before We Cross the Point of No Return Globally...

in H.A.T.E.D4 years ago

The one thing that I find the most atrocious about having to resort to the decentralization thing at all. We as human society should have never let it get this far in the first place. But no. Far too many of us are far to fat and lazy to stand for their own freedom just so long as they get what they want when they want it. They either dont know or dont care what the price is they are paying for their momentary happiness. Mostly because they havent received that bill that will eventually come. And the governments will not give them a grace period to pay it.

I will not ever pay that bill. And I will do anything and everything to make sure my daughter wont have to do deal with it.

**trying to channel my best Mel Gibson "Braveheart" speech mode. But not doing very good at it.


Man... The fucking fact I even have to write these posts as a call to arms to the world because multi-national corporations and fucked in the head governments are literally threatening to destroy our planet and all of us in the pursuit of profit and control is ridiculous if you think about it.. Let alone that we've watched this happen over many generations and nobody save for a few "extremists" like Ted Kaczynski bothered to attempt to do something about it.. Now before people start screeching that I'm praising the unibomber I'll say this:


I do however understand why he did it, especially after the CIA fucked his brain right up in the MKULTRA shit he was exposed to in university.. I don't believe that people are born violent extremists or domestic terrorists. I believe that the state of the world and the societies that have been built around our species ultimately radicalize people against the governments and companies that effectively know nothing but greed and forced complacency as a rule.

Not all governments are bad, not all corporations are bad, But the ones that are.. Well, really, we need to address (and by address I mean destroy) swiftly and with absolutely devastating, non-rebuildable and total prejudice as a collective.

Killing people and blowing shit up isn't what this movement is about at all, in fact I'm more inclined to find bloodless ways of change and only when these ways have been explored and exhausted then resorting to all out war against the adversary.. But when it boils down to it, if those perpetrating what is effectively anti-human, anti-freedom and anti-future policy and actions.. Well, lets just say I won't lose much sleep at night if they ended up in my sights and some small but incredibly quick velocity metallic projectiles just so happened to detach their cerebellum from their spinal cord..

Dont get me wrong. I'm not for violence at all. I'm much more of a pacifist. But I'm not the kind that willing sits still and lets someone keep punching me. I always prefer the diplomatic way above all else. But there is also those on the other side of the argument think that any kind of people that get upset enough to actually say something back is an "act of violence". ie The "insurgence" back in January. That was nothing more than a protest with a bunch of hooligans trying to make it look like a full scale riot. These politicians all freaking out cause a couple of Capitol police get offended but all summer long last year police were killed and they were made to be the bad guys. But yet they their best friends when it gets a little closer to their home.

But I am like you. If something happens to those kinds of people oh well, guess they had it coming. I'm done with the rock star celebrity politicians whose "do as I say, not as I do - operate rules for me than you" attitude. Those are the people that are the biggest and most immediate threat to mankind's freedom and prosperity.

Like they say, Freedom isn't free. You have to fight for it every second, every minute every day. The currency can be as high as blood. But it's worth every drop.

I respect those who are generally pacifists.. As a general rule regardless of them taking up arms even the pacifist in a situation such as civil war is extremely valueable.

Some of the best medics of WWII were pacifists and their efforts in the war, even though they never fired a round, saved countless lives and that is arguably worth more than taking a life in a lot of situations.

I look at it this way.. They managed to storm the capital unarmed pretty much. Now imagine if instead of a bunch of idiot soy boys going in there to take selfies you actually went in there with a decent sized platoon of armed freedom fighters to go harvest their servers and computers or something.. Not only is it possible it's a likely course of action in the years to come. I won't be involved with it directly due to geographic constraints but I'll sure as fuck help arm that chapter if and when they decide to up the ante and apply pressure where pressure is warranted.

If by some miracle we can invoke the necessary changes globally without a single shot fired or explosion made.. That would be optimal.. But the realist in me isn't putting a bet on what needs to happen to be bloodless sadly. :(

It is what it is, I just don't want some unstable person to read this text and take it as me telling them to go blow up parliament.. That is a last resort type thing and not something I'm even horny for, Trying to fix things, not fuck things up if that makes any sense.

I like that "freedom isn't free" saying.. I' might have to steal that. :D

You're on point though. Never know when the cause might need a crazy trucker fellow to east bound and down some freedom where it's required. <3

I'm not so much of a "make love not war" pacifist. More like the kind that doesnt seek out the violence. But if someone brings it I will not run. I still like a good smackdown.

I got the freedom saying from my dad. He quoted that to me many times while growing up. I still dont know if that was his own original saying or if he got it from somewhere. But I never realized until I was well into adulthood what it actually means.
And you are right. Its a very powerful statement and one of my favorites considering the kind of man he was.
He lived to 97 yrs old while kicking Nazi ass and helping people hang Mussolini by piano wire. Never touched a drop of alcohol, never beat his 5 kids and retired with mom in a very successful marriage of over 70 yrs.
He was, is and always be my idol!

Still fondly remember the first fist fight I got into.. The guy punched me in the face and when I realized that getting punched in the face wasn't nearly as painful as they made it look in the movies.. Well, needless to say that night we both kicked the shit out of eachother for the greater part of an hour.. a few times. Fond memories of being young lol

Make love not war is something fucking hippy draft dodgers would say.. XD
Love is great in most situations.. For removing tyrants and such.. ehhh. I'll stick to war.

I'd heard that freedom saying or some close iteration of it before, you mentioning it though again today reminded me of how much it aligns with things!

Holy shit, 97 is fucking insane! Clearly got some longevity in your genes.. 70 years of marriage is nothing to scoff at either.. Sort of seems though these days people divorce way more than they did back in the day.. I guess back then when something was broken they fixed it, where as now we're inclined to just toss it away and get another.. Sad this applies to objects and relationships these days. :/

Your dads generation were certainly put through the ringer with the world war and stuff, I don't think the society we have now adays is making men like they used to get sculpted..

As a society we've gone soft it seems.. Lord knows the guys who went over to fuck up Hitlers blitzkrieg sure as shit wouldn't stand by and watch everything go to shit like the generations afterwards seem to be inclined to do.. Not sure what happened but it almost feels like it was by design somethow, to like take the balls of the population to make them easier to control or something.. Fuck if I know though.

You doing a run this week hauling or? Hopefully you manage to find some nice weather at your loads and unloads. Fuck everything about strapping down loads in a monsoon!

The whole by design thing makes total sense. I remember some soviet leader talking about the cold war at the UN. I'm paraphrasing what he said cause I dont remember the exact quote. But it was the USA will win the battle but they will win the war because they will take over from the inside.

And seeing what has been happening since the late 80's early 90's he was right.

No runs going on till at least September for me. Had some heart issues back around the end of May. So I have to wear a defibrillator for 3 months. Then get another echocardiogram to determine if I have to have a defib implant.

So Im sitting at home twiddling my thumbs because the doctor wont let me even use power tools. So there goes any of my extracurricular activities.

I been looking into trying to get some online training like Dapp Univerity or Linux sys admin stuff.

There is some fringe science and reports of the eastern blocc actually blasting north america with certain RF frequencies in order to disrupt the bodies natural hormone functions or something and some even speculate they were able to influence moods and thoughts using this type of weaponry.. I think the nickname for it was the Russian Woodpecker or something similar.

The official story is that it was a long range radar array..But the frequencies used were no where near the optimal frequency for imaging.. Quite possibly a psychotronic weapon of sorts.

Bah, take care of yourself you crazy old bastard, heart is one of those things you don't get many do-overs with. Some time off and rest is in order.

Linux is great to learn imo.. If you're on a windows box go grab WSL2 and an ubuntu or debian or whatever copy for it.. then you can play with linux kernels without having to leave windows 10 :D