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RE: Liketu! The Image Sharing Frontend on Hive | Data on Posts, Comments, Users, Votes | March 2024

in Liketulast year

It would be interesting to have statistics on the use of dapps by gender, age and nationality. Although that data is not in the blockchain. Would it be useful for marketing strategies?


There are ways to approximate these statistics. We have internal studies on nationality based on where they have set their location props, and we also cast genders based on names and can get a reasonably good approximation.

I think if you just go by inspection, it is quite obvious that liketu is more popular among females. There are many reasons which can explain why this is, but an obvious one is, it is the least frictional way to participate, and they already post like this elsewhere.

Interesting, I hadn't thought about it until now. It helps a lot when recommending dapps in Hive.