Asian parents want their kids to be good at instruments for the wrong reason.
I see a lot of similarities between African parents and Asian parents, especially in this regard.
I even learned Chinese through learning songs in Chinese that I would like to play and sing.
This is indeed a hack.
I have beginner-level knowledge of some languages due to being exposed to cultural songs which drive me to go in search of its meaning and Wala! I learn something new in that language.
In the end, the decision to listen to my parents yielded unexpected results, but results I have come to appreciate more and more as I age.
There is a lot of depth in this statement.
Some things my parents required of me, I thought were my undoing as a child.
I have grown to have a deeper understanding of them and I am indeed grateful.
I relate so much with your story.
Thank you for sharing a part of your journey
It's nice to also know the man behind the scene😊😊😊