Things never turn out the way we think they will.
I'm not really fond of cliches. Especially ones of the bookworm asian with crazy skills on the piano. Unfortunately, that's exactly what I was growing up. I studied hard, got good grades, went to a good university, and was a prodigious piano player.
In the UK, we have a grading system, 1 for the lowest, and 8 the highest. I was Grade 8 on the piano by the age of 12, and I was banging out the Chopin, the Rachmaninoffs like another Lang Lang to the awe of the kids around me still playing chopsticks.
In another 4 years, I would get my first Diploma in Performance and was seriously thinking of a career as a musician. So what stopped me?
Asian parents want their kids to be good at instruments for the wrong reason.
The same asian parents who got me into playing piano in the first place, refused to support my wishes to take a music career. The kick in the teeth in all of this is, that asian parents want you to be good at a musical instrument because it adds to your extracurricular prowess. Coming from a family of academics (PhD from Cambridge), the pressure for excellence was unwavering. To my parents, being good at a musical instrument was not about cultivating an interest for life long fulfilment, but instead, an impressive extracurricular achievement to help with getting into a top university.
I was heart broken to not receive the support of my parents and ended up listening to them about the importance of finding a secure career. One that didn't involve potentially living gig to gig or even meal to meal. I studied Computer Science instead.
What did I learn from all this?
It turns out that my parents were probably right. Being a prodigy as an adolescent does not guarantee success as an adult. It is even less likely when the industry only really rewards the very best - something I don't think I could end up ever being - unless I practiced until my hands bled.
I decided that I would keep playing for fun, and start to venture into more popular music as well as singing. Playing and singing is so much fun, and requires a completely different set of skills to a classically trained pianist. I learned how to play songs from ear, and not be a rigid regurgitator of notes on a sheet of paper. I learned how to improvise, and play non monotonic sounding instrumentals whilst singing my favourite songs. I even learned Chinese through learning songs in Chinese that I would like to play and sing.
In the end, the decision to listen to my parents yielded unexpected results, but results I have come to appreciate more and more as I age.
Fortune in unexpected circumstances.
In Chinese, we have a saying that is 塞翁失馬焉知非福 (Sai weng Shi ma, Yan zhi Fei fu). It is the story of a man (Sai weng) who lost his horse, only to see it return one day with another one. His son fell in love with the new horse and rode it every day until he had an accident resulting in a broken leg. The man's neighbours said how unfortunate he was to meet such circumstances, the boy will never walk again! Sai weng was upbeat and responded that maybe there is good in all of this, sure enough, his son was excluded from military conscription because of his legs and this saved his son from fighting and likely dying - A blessing in disguise!
For the best experience view this post on Liketu
Shame your parents didn't support you on a music career path but rather seeing music as a stepping stone for more academic reasons. The secure path of a stable career ie govt job or corporate in their world would give us the stability and all the things for our future but fail to see the point we don't actually like it.
I heard about this saying 塞翁失馬焉知非福 from my parents but didn't know about the story behind it. learn something new every day. Hope you've been well.
I guess it's just a matter of them assessing the situation at that point in time, and leaning on being more realist than idealist. I don't fault them for that as I believe they grew up with a much harsher reality than my own. Ultimately I agree with you though, that a future that is secure and stable but one which we don't like, isn't much of a future at all.
Thanks for the greetings!
your are other people's children, so awesome and admirable
In the minds of my parents' generation, only going to college can get out of poverty. But if I have children, I want my child to have a certain talent be it singing, dancing or knowing how to play an instrument like the piano. Your story is excellent, I guess you are a romantic. Music artist is "a profession that never goes out of fashion because the more modern society is, the more people want to relax and find music."
In the future, I won't force my child to study well, she/ he just needs to have good skills for life, moreover being good at the piano will easily become famous on the internet, now just need to be good at a certain talent on tik tok or youtube will be very easy to make money
In Thailand we see this pressure on kids, especially the boys from a Chinese family background being applied all the time.
There is much wiseness in traditional values as your parable shows but there also needs to be flexibility to learn and accept the changing times too.
I'm happy to see you didn't give up on your music, I think learning an instrument should be a mandatory subject through out the full length of school life, especially for the non academically gifted, even an average musician will always have that skill that can at least earn them a dinner!
Best wishes, hope you've had a great weekend :-)
Its those pesky Chinese traditional values I tell ya!
I agree that changing times require adaptable attitudes and expectations towards children. The route I chose in the end was Computer Science, and probably a couple of decades ago, that would have been supplanted or ignored by those studying core subjects like the Sciences, Math, perhaps the Political sciences and even Performing arts. Of course today, I would argue that everyone should probably have some level of competence with computing as well.
Interesting that you mentioned musicians earning dinner, because I did have a stint as a music teacher and earning enough money for food was actually pretty much all I got!
Have a good weekend!
I learned from reading the book, Grit that most kids who excelled at their extracurriculars become the most passionate and persistent towards their long-term goals which might be completely different from what they did as kids.
You may not have pursued a musical career but I'm sure your experience has helped you greatly! And maybe you were really meant to do something else. 😁
I think you're onto something here.. I honestly think that the mindset from taking something to a high level (in my case piano) is important for instilling the right attitudes to achieve other great things in life. For that, I am extremely grateful for that part of my life and I'm always looking at ways to take those lessons learnt and apply them to whatever I choose to do next in life. (Right now that's liketu)
I really feel it's a pity maybe for the human beings, if you were born in an artist family, things may change.
So maybe take it as an early retirement 😅 and doing something different, no one just do one jobs all their life.
Anyway, much better than most of people. I read it and think for a while to comments, nothing to lose, everything to gain.
Yeah, looking back, I don't have any regrets at all. We are the product of our experiences, and I'm sure that learning piano to a high standard has given me the tenacity and perseverance that I can apply to anything else I choose to do in life. I'm quite glad about that!
I think you're right, there's nothing to lose here and everything to gain - a really good saying too!
have to be frank that I lack tenacity and perseverance🤣
also it didn't bring me anything especially in personal relationship😆
The good thing is, it's never too late to work on our shortcomings and honestly, I think turning a new chapter is never too late for anyone! Personal relationships have been some what a disaster for me, so I honestly can't speak with much authority on that subject 😅
I guess your parent felt that to compete in life, you need absolutely mastery of everything including skills and education. You may have made it playing musical instruments or not. I guess they were just preparing you for the harshness of reality.
Reality is absolutely harsh, and by comparison, my parents reluctance to support my endeavours in music turned out to be a wise decision that I was incapable making myself at the time. A good example of why children shouldn't be given the right to make their own big decisions too early in life.
This is true, although in some culture, age is relative to maturity, I still feel that being experienced in life is when a young person should take life-changing decisions and not really due to their age. I have learnt a lot from this.
I mean you're right, age is just a number. Some might have experiences at a young age, even a child age that eclipse the experiences of fully grown adults.
But at the same time, I also believe that there is a line to be drawn somewhere that no matter how much maturity you might have for your age, it still isn't enough perspective to make the better, more informed decisions someone a bit older with more bruised life experience would.
First time i came across a post of yours! I can only imagine what inspired you. I know that feeling. When a young person feels he/she is destined to succeed in a field because it looks likely.
Truth is when life hits you, other things are required to survive. As one grows older, the realization set in.
However, I'm still indifferent. I feel Life sometimes is a scripted movie and we are just characters lol.
Take a look at your story, it is very deep. Everything seems to play out well. You still have this talent anyway. You can still play piano well(maybe not as you would have wanted) Everybody wins!
Ps: I love the Chinese story🙃 it also explains my point that everything happens for a reason.
Well its a pleasure having you here samostically. Life does seem like a never ending barrage of obstacles. The worst decision you could make is to make no decision.
I do sometimes feel like my life is a bit of a script from a movie. Perhaps in some alternative universe, I do end up succeeding in music. But like you said, its not like I can't play now. I get to enjoy music just as much (probably more given it's not considered a job) whilst not having to worry about survival.
I'm glad the idiom was interesting to you, there are many others like this and perhaps I'll drop one at the end of my posts each time.
In some books like Art of war, 48 laws of power, mastery and some others. I've read this kind of stories.
There seem to be alot happening asia. Most of the best life lessons are taught with their stories. Or maybe they are just always ready to share and learn.
Hopefully you'd post again soon.
Yes, a good example of where many of these idioms come from. Chinese is an interesting language with lots of context and semantics derived from historical events and stories. Some of it is archaic and probably not very relevant today, but many others embed a lot of wisdom and it's worth studying them!
Hopefully my next post won't be too long of a wait. Things are busy at liketu but I like to share bits of my life with you guys now and then 🙂
Would be waiting. Talking about Liktu. Good work, noticed alot of updates on the web.
One more thing, The Twitter isn't active as I would have loved. I love twitter promotions but i guess there's alot of things the team is working on.
Have a good day! Thanks for sharing your post with us.
One thing which will quickly become clear, is that I don't like to hype things. I would rather under-promise and over-deliver. Right now, there are a lot of things I am not yet satisfied about, and many of these are/have addressed in the coming update due this week.
We're also working out how we want to go about "breaking out" of the Hive bubble and getting outsiders to join in a significant way. There are many moving pieces to tackle on this front, but rest assured, I am thinking about how to go about it all the time.
wow, finally you got time to post brother.
You reached grade 8 on the piano when you were just 12? you are really amazing. Well, just feel shamed when compared to you as I have no achievement at all.
Em...maybe Karate black belt 1 Dan is the only achievement in my life, I never win for any competition on the Karate anyway.
It was pity to hearing that your parents didn't support you on the music as your career, but you are doing quite good now, at least, we think you are doing quite good, we might not able to meet you on here Liketu if you became a musician, now you met C and me hehehe 😘
I like to make some noise sometimes!
Everybody has achievements they can be proud of I think. Just social context values it differently. As a younger me, I used to care a lot about complying to the system, doing my best to seen as someone worthy. Now, I find myself doing the same on Hive! lol
Karate is something I took as a child too, and I never achieved a black belt for that. Actually I prefer Wing Chun.
So I guess another blessing in disguise is that we would have never met on liketu if it wasn't for that fork in the road. I of course am grateful to meet you, C and everyone else here, so there are no regrets, only more reasons to be happy with my choice.
Good to hearing that you are doing the same on Hive now. Yeah
Beside karate, I did learn muay thai and taekwondo when I was younger as well, I also want to learn Wing Chun as some of my ex colleague play Wing Chun for many years, their close combat is really nice, maybe will learn it after the fitness room is allowed to open again.
Little update, I need to go Shenzhen again shortly as the application of the HK identity for my wife is approved, we need to go there to process the rest of the procedure, but it's quite embarrassing to me as many people is too panic on the pandemic in HK and many people want to go shelter from the pandemic in China, it's very hard to get the isolation quota now
Even worse, I have a very bad globus hystericus on my throat due to depression or anxious, I can't really take the nucleic acid testing, I just want to puke when they stab the object in my throat 😩
Anyway, I probably will go Shenzhen in May, hopefully the mobile apps will come out at that time so I can still make a post on liketu when I am in China (my phone got VPN haha)
Another blessing in disguise! You haven't seen your wife in so long, and despite considerable adversity, you're finally able to!
As for the PCR tests, I usually have the swaps up my nose (feels like the brain to be honest) so I can't say I understand what it feels like in the throat. I suppose another thing we can be thankful of is not having anal swabs!
As for the mobile app, probably not ready by May, but the mobile web app probably will be. Fingers crossed!
Yeah, it's good time for me to go back in May, my old pictures are running out very soon, I can take zillion of new pictures when I back Shenzhen this time 🤩🤩 Then taking another series of new picture in HK with my wife when she gets the permit to Hong Kong 😁
I guess it doesn't matter to take a test in the throat as long as I fix the globus hystericus issue. Well....for the anal swabs...I prefer...not go Shenzhen and wait for the border reopen if they are asking me to do so.....😅
It's still ok if I can use the mobile web app to upload pictures, maybe just slower with VPN when I am in China 😄 really look forward to it, brother.
Well, probably spend some time with your wife before documenting it all. That's more important than having picture to post on Liketu/Hive :P
yeah sure, but I probably will PM you many many pictures on TG first 🤣
want us to fill in what they want. I think you have a good talent. Awesome..
Everything that parents plan for kids were good intentions
Yes I believe there were no ill intentions on my parents part. Of course, it still didn't change how I felt at the time. But now that I am much older, I understand. I probably would do the same for my kids too (if i had any)
ohhh wow that is super interesting to know. Oh well, if you still love music I hope that at least you can play often as an hobby and for fun! :D look good there behind the piano
I try to have fun now and then to de-stress. It's also a good party trick sometimes!
Eheheh i bet it is.
You really understand how Chinese parents do - learn to play an instrument, but never be a musician. My kids played piano when they were young, now playing flute and clarinet. But they will go for different majors. By the way, you are so talented.
I guess I have quite traditional Chinese parents to think for that. Actually, I also play the flute and violin (and guitar) - I think there is a lot of commonality among other Chinese with these too. Thanks by the way!!
I heard after you know how to play piano, everything became easy. Since you know so many instruments, do you agree?
yes, I actually started flute after Piano grade 8, and I reached flute grade 8 within 3 years.
That’s amazing. You are so smart. My daughters both are high school matching band. Luckily, they were willing to learned piano when they were young, so they can get this fast.
You looking good. You look so good with suit. Surely fits you well there. And with music talent as well. Surely idol for lots of people there. Hopefully in bear future can see you perform as well 😍😍
Aw thank you. I think we might be doing some short video functions on liketu in the nearish future, so perhaps I will post some clips :)
That's a huge improvement. Surely it will goes hype too and i cant wait for more from you as well 😉😉
amazing I really like your activities you are the best
Thanks, hope you enjoyed the story.
Yes I'm happy with you
I think being a musician is really fun, it's hard to imagine becoming a musician right away, it takes years to become a professional, it seems like you really like music. 🙂
It is fun, but like with anything else, it takes a long of perseverance and dedication.
That's what makes being a musician difficult, it takes us years to master the ability to master it. We only see that being a musician is easy, but behind it all we don't know how they learn from time to time to master.
Trust me when I say, it takes years and years of practice, many hours each day. It's easier when you're a child, much harder when you're an adult. Have to start young!
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 38/48) Liquid rewards.
Wow, so you're a piano player. It's excellent!👍
Indeed, thank you! One day (hopefully soon) we'll have some short video functionality on liketu and maybe I'll post something for you guys to watch 😀
Wow, I'm looking forward to it! 😃
I think that parents always trying to make decisions on us to granted us a better life. When we are young usually don’t understand. We need time to see.
I did the same with my parents.
The way you choose to continue playing is lovely and take you to walk on new unexpected route. It was great, and seems you are happy now of that parent’s decision.
I don’t play any instruments (never want to study it), but I would like to. Need an enchantment that makes me playing without study. Lol
Obviously we like to think parents are making decisions for us in our best interest, but is there perhaps, the chance that they make their decisions based on what they couldn't accomplish themselves, and thus wish to experience vicariously through their children? Perhaps it is even unconscious on their part?
We always hear stories of the people who persevered and made their risky decisions into bewildering success, but we don't hear of the many more people who stumble or fail attempting to achieve the same thing!
Your life story is very interesting and I can apply the idea as an example to raising children and granddaughters. Thank you.
I'm sure you have interesting life stories to tell as well. You are my elder after all!
Thank you, But now I live a simple life in the countryside. I left a stable career in Bangkok because I had to devote myself to my youngest son. who is an autistic child so that he can Live and learn to live by yourself. Although there is little hope because the doctor said Defective brain cell outline but i will try. Hive make money but another reason is i need friends and thanks for having liketu, good things from you.
Well, there's an example of an interesting story already!
I respect people who choose to live a simple life. In Chinese we have another saying that is "Happiness consists in contentment" - which I believe cannot be achieved unless we learn to appreciate the simple things in life.. like family.
You are very talented. I also want to play the piano. But in schools in Thailand. There is only a sound keyboard to try out. So I can't play the piano.
Thank you! I guess I also have to thank my parents for the opportunity they provided me. I do understand that not everyone has the same requisites. On the plus side, another cliche is having children live out the life you never could! And you have a wife to do that with! :D
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
You are really a very talented person. And I think you must be able to sing very well.
I think I attribute the talent (if any) to just a lot of hard work from a young age. Thank you!
This is very interesting to see... I usually use my remote control as microphone to mimick a popular musician I loved and I said to myself one day I might do this
That day never came
But beautiful to see
I see, I've never thought about doing that. I've never understood why performers would take pride in doing something like that either!
You must be very talented!
Parents always want their children to learn how to survive and have more disposable wealth in this competitive world. Sometimes parents also want their children to fulfill their own unfulfilled ideals.
It's hard to say right or wrong, different positions and different decisions made.
I think I have a little inkling of talent before I officially started with lessons. My parents found me playing on a tiny "toy" keyboard when I was 4 years old, and they found that I figured out how to play the melody of "home sweet home" with no help whatsoever.
You are a great pianist and I always admire your talent (I want to listen to you piano song Canon In D) As for me now If I might praise myself for having a great smile. That when others see my smile, they may smile along and enjoy smiling. 😃🥰😄
Its hard to smile when you're focusing on playing. Even harder when you are singing! I think i'll leave the smiling to you!
I really envy you for having such a good condition to learn piano since you were a child, and it was so good that you took the 8th grade at the age of 12. When I was a child, I didn't have the opportunity and conditions to learn some art skills. I used to like to draw, so I can only learn by myself in the future!
Thanks zhangyan-123, I must thank my parents (despite their contradictory behaviour) for allowing me to cultivate something I'll now enjoy for the rest of my life, even if it isn't as a career.
As for yourself, I think art is something I truly never got the chance to try. I actually regret it a lot because when it comes to visual things, (design on websites for example) i'm rather poor at that as a result!
Amazing....who would have thought that you are a great piano player, your talent has been formed from an early age and it is an extraordinary achievement.
I once played the piano but I always forgot the scales and it made me dizzy lol..., so I switched to guitar.
I think if there is any "talent" then it was probably just that I was given the opportunity early and allowed to grow it from a young age. Otherwise, I really do think that anybody who gets the same chance as me would also be able to do the same.
Scales are rudimentary and yet so necessary. I spent many many many hours, (more than 10,000) on grinding these.
wow :) you are perfect man.
I don't think anyone is perfect, much less myself!
I have always been a fan of music and I really wish that I had learned how to play an instrument when I was younger. When I was in my last year of high school, I started playing the tuba in beginners band and I had so much fun. It really made me wish that I had started sooner.
Gosh I feel the same way about quite a lot of other things actually. Starting from a young age feels like a cheat code because by the time you're old enough to decide whether you like it or not, you're already pretty darn good. On the other hand, one of my teachers ended up being a well revered musician despite beginning (from scratch) in her 20s. So I think it can be done if you really want!
Piano , guitar and violin surely amaze me in many ways. And you know one of it with highest grade too. Do you still plays it today? Man i bet you can sing as well while playing. So cool.
I actually play the flute as well as those instruments you mentioned, by my primary instrument, and the one I spent the most time honing my skills is the piano. I still play now and then, sometimes I goto the train station and "flash mob" the public with a little something. I usually draw a little crowd when I do and that pleases me!
Wow Man so cool. Flute as well. Must praise that your parents did a good job there. Motivation and inspiration alway keeps you going all the time.
I can sense your disappointment because I can feel your feelings. This is how Asian parents want to do what they want, even if they don't know what their children's future will be like or what they can do to engage their children. As a result, they should concentrate on what the child is interested in.
I think my parents did what they thought best for me, and in the end they were probably right. They had the resources to give me that opportunity, but didn't have the resources to dig me out if I failed. In the end, it was weighing up the difference between a hobby and a career.
Yes, parents always wish the best for their children, but unfortunately, financial or other issues arise, creating roadblocks.
It's so typical of Asian parents isn't it? They force their kids to take piano lessons and exams and when the kid says I want to become a piano teacher or develop their career down that route they're not allowed. Doesn't matter whether the parents have a PhD from Cambridge or are primary school educated, except the former can probably put their objection in a more rational convincing manner 😉
I heard of 塞翁失馬焉知非福 and use it all the time but never knew the story behind it!
It's been a while I checked out Liketu, hope all the development work is going along nicely
I never realised how much of a cliche it was until I met other asian people with remarkably similar stories. I was the only asian kid in school until I headed to university.
I think ironically, the more educated you are, the stronger your bias towards not pursuing a hobby as a career. I also wonder, whether things would have been different if my parents had more financial security, and then maybe they wouldn't worry too much about whether I succeeded or not.
Good to see you around here, we're about to push out a new update in the coming week, it's got quite a lot of changes/improvements. derangedvisions made a post about some of the new features, and he's also launched a new photography contest sponsored by us. Lots of good things to come!
You look like my favorite musician in Indonesia, you really fit there to play the best notes. for the proverb you mean above, I think I've heard it, but I forget when, it's amazing.😊
Really!? I don't know any musicians from Indonesia, who is it?
"Chevra Yolandi", a vocalist of the band "Papinka" 🤗
I can't say much, I just want to say that there are valuable lessons that I can take from your story, of course there is a sense of regret for me for not actually carrying out my parents' orders when I was little.
I guess there are two sides to the coin.. and also how we go about taking responsibility for whichever side it lands on..
Yes you get it :D
It's terrible to put pressure on children to do good. We've all been there, trying to please your parents and everyone else. It is only a bonus if the things they are pressuring you to do are also your passion.
I suppose the pressure they are putting on you stems from their dreams that they were unable to fulfill when they were your age. They want you to become good at the things they are not good at.
Yes, I believe they had wanted to live vicariously through me, absent their own ability to achieve the same when they were younger.
On the other hand, I think parents are people too. And they were also fairly young at the time. I think they also think differently about things now.
Yes, I agree. Well, some still put pressure on their kids in today's generations as I've known some of my friends experience this as well but somehow the tradition and the culture has an effect on it.
But it is what it is, we have to either follow, tried our best, or disobey if we think it's too much. We just have to be reasonable enough to explain why we can't deal with the pressure or we can at least try. 😊
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I had a similar experience with the guitar at age 11. My dad purchased a guitar for my birthday (it was more a present to himself, as he was very fond of 70s rock). I started having lessons weekly and by the age of 15 I had passed grade 5. However I had no love for the music I was playing or any connection to it. However I do regret not finding a connection to a different genre of music and continued to play. I’ve recently purchased a Spanish acoustic guitar and started playing again. Finding it a little frustrating now as it’s been a while!
I think it's great that you got back into it anyway. The guitar is something I play but not to a good level and perhaps I will take a serious stab at it in the future when I have more time to get back into music activities.
Thank you for sharing your story. It's a wonderful feeling for parents if their children are not only good in academics but can also play musical instruments as well. I also believe that our parents know what's best for us and will always make sure they will do everything for us to, later on, be successful in life. You're lucky to have your parents and you've been blessed because you've been a good son to them. God bless you mor
Thank you! I do largely agree with my parents decisions now, but I didn't at the time. It takes a bit of maturity to see things from a wider scope - something which only comes with life experience.
I dont blame your parents maybe they wants you to have a better future. Because parents knows whats good for their children.Im asian and my parents did the same thing too🙂. well its not too late if u want ur career into music as long as you are alived you can do whatever you want in ur life.You had an amazing post thanks for sharing have a nice day.
I'm so glad other people can appreciate the feeling. I think overall, their reasoning was sound and in retrospect, I think it was the right decision. I also think that the enjoyment of music does not require a career in it. So I'm blessed in both ways!
Thank you for your comment!
Elmerlin, you are excellent. You not only play the piano well, but also do well in IT.👍👍👍
When I was a child, I learned piano, erhu, flute and vocal music. My parents also think that learning these is just a talent. I can't do this as a career. In the end, I studied finance.
I'm seeing many similar examples to my own. You are one better, you have erhu as well! I've always loved the sound of that, and actually I have no experience with traditional instruments - something I intend to change one day. Finance is good too, that's something that I think is something lacking in education.
I love the story mentioned at the last part...
Music, just like sports, they require discipline and thousands of hours to master them. I guess the parents want their kids to be disciplined so they enroll them and so in time, they'd be able to apply the learnings in their future ventures, most of the time, not necessarily music.
Glad to know it. I think your parents were well-known beforehand about the other fields than music that can settle your life. Being academically strong they could sense what in the future is good for you.
I also think that you could have excelled at this musical career had your parents supported you in first place and you were ready to put much of your dedication in it. There could have either been success very early or at late phase or no success at all. There are many unexpected turns in life. Some lead to good paths some may not.
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.Want you to check because if everyone you voted xliketu will downvoted everyone as well.
Want me to check what? We have nothing to do with that account. Anybody has the right to down vote if they feel that is how they want to exercise their voting power. I will never tell someone or try to intervene with what someone or somebody should do with their voting - even if it is down voting. Hive requires checks and balances, and down votes are just one (useful) tool. Besides, I'm not sure why you are concerned, if the account was serious about down voting everything we vote for with any significance, then it would need to power up a large chunk of Hive which I would still deem a net positive!
I see a lot of similarities between African parents and Asian parents, especially in this regard.
This is indeed a hack.
I have beginner-level knowledge of some languages due to being exposed to cultural songs which drive me to go in search of its meaning and Wala! I learn something new in that language.
There is a lot of depth in this statement.
Some things my parents required of me, I thought were my undoing as a child.
I have grown to have a deeper understanding of them and I am indeed grateful.
I relate so much with your story.
Thank you for sharing a part of your journey
It's nice to also know the man behind the scene😊😊😊
i don't know what mistake i made, but today i can not post my photo on liketu.com ( Yesterday I was able to upload everything)
When I logged into liketu.com website liketu showed like that, I tried to upload photos on both my phone and computer, but still can't post anything.
Please reply to me, I look forward to your response. Thank you 😔Hello sir @elmerlin
Most of the Chinese parents push their children to study something(painting, musical instruments, dancing,etc) for their own purpose——Maybe they’re unable to learn it for lacking of money, or their child can add points during some big examinations
However, I’m a lucky girl for my mother let me do the choice by myself——I love dancing and I’ve been learning dancing for more than 15years(just as a habit)
"Asian parents want their kids to be good at instruments for the wrong reason." <- Trueee!! Evident in the movies and/or series in Asia.
By the way, You are a man with so much talent, Elmer! 😊