I'm sure she relaxed afterwards
Yes, in fact I enjoyed a lot that little concert though it was not easy in some moments. It's not the same to play for people we don't know and on the other side for people we already feel like being part of a great family, like Hive is 😇
Just mention you are a perfectionist and all will understand. I know this feeling a lot. Though I usually am nervous before, but not during. I suppose before is still thinking: Everything will go wrong. While during: We can't prep anymore. Not that I prep myself with the stuff that makes me nervous like presentations for a larger group can make me nervous. But you know, as I experienced many times, peeps listening to my presentations know so much less. Am pretty sure that is the same with your piano playing and all: You know so much more than most of the listeners.
Anyways, very NICE concert 🙃
Thank you for sharing your experience, and also for the talk about this IRL
I know, I know everything, in theory. And then the moment comes, and there are times my heart doesn't even speed up, so calm I am. When I can play on "autopilot" mode. But other times, my fingers just don't want to listen to me. It's not the fingers but the mind that focuses on the surroundings (people, expectations, who listens to me, light, noise, any distraction) and not on music. I did this exercise (countless times) - when I cut off everything else and my mind has to "place" every note in its place and it works. It comes out perfectly, but then again... the control over that mind is the tricky part as the distractions (to repeat: people, expectations etc) make my mind weak in those moments 🤷♀
Anyway, Mr Piano made one recording, just one and I listened to it today. For the first time since one week. Maybe, just maybe it could be even posted on the chain 🤓 I am at peace now with those "not written" notes hahaha
You know, stuff can be eaten or smoked to get you reminded to be 'in' the music, to concentrate better. That stuff from the Spanish Member Clubs should work.
Do It! 🙇