Hello friends of the hive, it is a pleasure to greet you on this new occasion. Today has been my second day at the vet and today I have had a diagnosis. My furry friend has distemper. This is a virus that occurs in puppies without vaccines or adults with this condition and in some cases with vaccines as in my case, but where I have failed is in the boosters and this is costing me the health of my puppy.
Hola amigos de la colmena es un placer saludarles en esta nueva oportunidad , hoy ha sido mi segundo dia en el veterinario y hoy he tenido un diagnostico mi peludito tiene moquillo este es un virus que se presenta en los cachorros sin vacunas o adultos con esta condicion y en algunos casos con vacunas como en mi caso , pero en donde he fallado es en los refuerzos y esto me esta costado la salud de mi perrito
Symptoms to determine distemper//Sintomas para determinar el moquillo
This virus has 3 phases, first is the nasal and respiratory system in my case my dog did not have it, the second is nausea and digestive discomfort he had it for 2 days he felt bad and then it passed, and the third nervous system this is the one he is presenting at this moment, this is seizures and involuntary movements, he also has palpitations in his brain yesterday he did not reflect them but today he does, with a blood test and it came back positive, this virus is the main cause of mortality in dogs and few of these manage to overcome it I have 72 hours to bet on his immune system, and to see how his treatment and the antibiotic evolve, if it does not work I have already thought about putting him to sleep because I do not want him to suffer if the result is the same, although for me it is very difficult to make that decision
Este virus tiene 3 fases , primero es el nasal y sistema respiratorio en mi caso mi perrito no lo tuvo , el segundo es nausas y malestares digestivo el lo tuvo 2 dias se sintio mal y luego se le paso , y el tercero sistema nervioso este es el que está presentando en este momento , este es convulsiones y movimientos involuntarios , tambien tiene palpitaciones en su cerebro ayer no las reflejaba pero hoy si , con un tes de sangre y dio positivo , este virus en la principal causa de mortalidad en los perros y pocos de estos lograr superarlo tengo 72 horas que apostar a su sistema inmunologico , y a ver como va evolucionando su tratamiento, y el antibiotico , si no funciona ya he pensado ponerlo a dormir porque no quiero que sufra si el resultado es el mismo , aunque para mi sea muy dificil tomar esa desicion