Hello friends of the hive, I hope you are well and had a happy and blessed day. Yesterday was International Women's Day, which began in 1977. This has a history of many years ago, where on March 8, 1875, hundreds of women went out to protest in New York against inequality. They went out before their male counterparts, and in a brutal police attack, many of these women died. Today my post is dedicated to us women.
Hola amigos de la colmena espero se encuentren bien y hayan tenido un feliz y bendecido dia, ayer se celebro el dia internacional de la mujer desde 1977, esto tiene una historia de muchos años atras donde un 8 de marzo de 1875 centenares de mujeres salieron a protestar en new york por la desigualdad salia antes sus compañeros masculinos , y en una brutal arremetida de la policia muchas de estas mujeres murieron ,y hoy mi post va dedicada a nosotras las mujeres
Being a woman is not easy anywhere in the world. We are wives, mothers, professionals, housewives, but we still have to face many things. One of the most alarming situations is femicide, violence, and disappearances of women. It is alarming. More than gender equality, I think we should have respect and laws that protect us, that we have the right to education all over the world, we have the right to walk without fear of being hurt.
Ser mujer no es nada sencillo es ninguna parte del mundo, Somos esposa, madres , profesionales , amas de casa aun asi nos tenemos que enfrentar a muchas cosas , una de las situaciones mas alarmantes es el femicidio , violencia y desapariciones de las mujeres es alarmante , mas que la igualdad de generos yo pienso que deberiamos tener respeto y leyes que nos protejan, que tengamos derecho a la educacion en todo el mundo , tengamos derecho a caminar sin miedo a que nos lastimen .