Dear @olgavita. I'm sorry to hear about your health issues. I wish you speedy recovery (and can offer health coaching for free if you wish).
I have however downvoted this post (very slightly, not enough to affect the reward payout) due to (in my learned opinion) many factual discrepancies in your post). I can go into a little detail if you are genuinely interested and if you ask me to share.
Thank you for your reply but I do not understand what do you mean when you say "many factual discrepancies""? I am writing only about myself and only truth. I am still in hospital waiting for recovery. That was only two days ago when the doctor said I will live... so, sorry, I do not understand you.
Thank YOU for responding @olgavita. It appears you are open to hear more, so subject to your further open-ness in responding and researching (relative) truth, I will likely continue to reply with more detail. For now:
(even if there was such a virus - of which there is no proof) the above statement is factually incorrect (in my opinion). Chlorine Dioxide, when used in the correct manner is able to reverse the symptoms of the so called coronavirus.
This post by Dr. Kerri Rivera reveals more:
"the above statement is factually incorrect (in my opinion)."
You can't claim a fact from an opinion. That's not how reality works.
I think that while you have the right to comment your disagreemnet on her post, the act of downvoting the post (no matter how little it would affect the payout) of the author who currently has a severe disease and is undergoing treatment would not have helped her situation right now. 🙁
Thanks for your input @savvyplayer. i have removed the downvote.