Photo Filters And Effect Contest Wk 8 Result || Wk 9 Begins ~ Update

in GEMS5 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone, hope you are all doing great and staying safe wherever you are. It has been an interesting week for #createthatlook contest...we got 20 wonderful entries for the week and the winners will be announced shortly.

Hola a todos, espero que estéis bien y a salvo dondequiera que os encontréis. Ha sido una semana interesante para el concurso #creativecontest… han llegado 20 fantásticas participaciones esta semana, a continuación anunciaremos los ganadores pero antes ...

A big thank you to everyone who voted at ”The Terminal” server for helping us out on the voting process. Thanks to our dear sponsor @brittandjosie who would be choosing two extra winners that would receive a prize from her and also @mistakili who had added 3 splinterlands cards to the prize which will be given to the winners announced today...we are appreciate your support. More importantly, a big thank you to everyone who submitted an entry, resteemed the contest post or promoted the post in anyway.

Queremos dar las gracias también a nuestra querida sponsor @brittandjosie quien elegirá también dos ganadores extra que recivirán un premio directo de su parte y a @mistakili que ha añadido 3 cartas del juego Spliterlands al premio y que serán repartidas entre los ganadores anunciados hoy, apreciamos mucho tu detalle. Sobre todo, gracias mil a todos los que participaron, compartieron el post del concurso o lo promocionaron de alguna manera.

Previous Entries ~ Click on names to see entry post.


Congratulations to the winners. 🤗


  • 6 Hive + 1 splinterland card to the winner
  • 3 Hive + 1 splinterland card to the 2nd place
  • 2 Hive + 1 splinterland card to the 3rd place

The entries were all so amazing and pretty. We love your efforts and your creativity with the effects and the filters applied, thanks so much for your valuable time that you shared with us!

No ha sido tarea fácil elegir a los ganadores pues todas las participaciones fueron increibles y maravillosas. Nos encanta vuestro esfuerzo y vuestra creatividad al aplicar efectos y filtros a vuestras fotos, ¡gracias sinceras por dedicarnos parte de vuestro valioso tiempo!

Photo Filters & Effects Contest--> Week 9

Welcome to the 9th week of the contest, another time to get creative and explore different filters and effects on any of your original photo.

Bienvenidos a la semana 9 del concurso , otra oportunidad de ser creativos explorando diferentes filtros y efectos en nuestras fotos originales.

Image credit @drakernoise

This is an effect/filter contest initiated by @drakernoise and me to allow you transform and be creative with any effects and filters that you want on any of your authoring photos. There are lots of apps these days that could help bring to reality what you have in mind, so all you need do is get your app and editing tools, your "original" photo and play around with the use of effects, edits or filters. I assure you it isn't just about doing it for the contest but you get to have fun and learn a thing or two while at it.

Este es un concurso de filtros y efectos que iniciamos @drakernoise y yo para que transformes y seas creativo usando cualquier filtro y efecto que quieras aplicándolo a tus fotos originales. Hay un montón de aplicaciones hoy día que te ayudarán a hacer realidad tus ideas así que lo único que tienes que hacer es coger la aplicación que quieras y empezar a jugar con ella en el uso de filtros y efectos. Por supuesto no se trata solo de participar en el concurso y ganar sino de divertirse mientras lo haces.


  • 6 Hive ~ the winner
  • 3 Hive ~ the 2nd place
  • 2 Hive ~ 3rd place

A quick update

We’ve been thinking for sometime now on adding an interesting feature to the contest, so we are about to make an animated GIFs round in the coming weeks. We are planning on doing it over alternative weeks, that is: one round of static images, the following of animated GIFs. I hope you are excited about this...because we are. So guys get your apps, creativity and fun-skills ready...not only would this be fun but also we’d all get to learn a thing or two.

Llevamos tiempo pensando en añadir una mejora al concurso de modo que vamos a hacer una ronda de GIFs animados en las próximas semanas. Planeamos hacerlo en semanas alternas, esto es: una ronda de imágenes estáticas, la siguiente de GIFs animados. Esperamos que os entusiasme la idea... porque a nosotros también. Así pues chicos cojed vuestras aplicaciones, creatividad y habilidades humorísticas preparadas... no sólo será divertido sino que además aprenderemos algunas cosas.

Contest Rules

  • Take a photo and use any filter or effects of your choice.

Escoge una foto y usa cualquier filtro o efecto que desees

  • Be creative with the use of the effects or filter of your choosing. It could be a selfie, photo of your pet...anything at all, as long as you use a filter or effect on the photo you are good.

Se creativo con el uso de los efectos y filtros de tu elección. Tu foto puede ser un selfie, una foto de tu mascota… lo que quieras siempre que la transformes usando filtros y efectos sobre ella.

  • Write a short post on what inspired the effects you used and how it turned out.

Escribe un breve post contándonos qué inspiró la foto así como los efectos que usaste y su resultado.

  • You need to put up the "original" (without effects, filters, editing) photo so we know how it looked like.

Incluye la foto “original” (sin efectos, filtros o edición) para que todos la veamos.

  • You are allowed to explore and put up as many effects as you want but you have to specify which would be entered in for the contest (only one photo can be entered in).

Está permitido explorar y añadir tantas fotos editadas o retocadas con efectos como quieras pero por favor indícanos cuál será la elegida para participar en el concurso (sólo puede participar una foto por usuario).

  • Gif entries are not accepted but can be added to your post if you want.

Los GIFs animados no entran en concurso pero puedes añadirlos a tu post si lo deseas.

  • Put your post link in the comment session for us to find easily and use the #createthatlook as one of the first three tags in your post. Please, ensure the tag is spelt correctly to avoid a missed entry.

asegúrate de escribir bien la etiqueta para evitar que no la encontremosAñade el link a tu entrada en la sección de comentarios de este post de modo que podamos encotrarlo con facilidad. Usa la etiqueta #createthatlook entre las tres primeras de tu post. Por favor .

  • Upvote and resteem aren’t mandatory but appreciated.

Votar y re bloguear no son obligatorios per sí apreciados.

  • Photo must be your original work.

La foto ha de ser hecha por tí mismo.

  • Deadline still remains post pay out day.

La fecha límite de entrega será el momento en que el post reciba la recompensa.

--->Voting Process<---

--->Proceso de Votación<---

For weeks now, we have received lots of amazing and quality entries that is becoming so "interesting" for us to pick the winners ourselves. So we’ve decided to open the voting to anyone who wishes to vote. It will be at The Terminal server where they have given us a channel for that purpose.

Durante semanas hemos recibido tantas participaciones increíbles y de calidad que elegir a los ganadores se ha vuelto "interesante". Así pues hemos decidido abrir a todo aquel que quiera el proceso de votación. Para ello el servidor de discord The Terminal nos ha cedido muy amablemente un canal para ello llamado "filters-effects-contest".

Voting Rules

  • You would only have to put a reaction emoji under the photos. You have 3 votes, so please use them.

Sólo hay que poner un emoji de reacción debajo de las fotos elegidas. Tienes 3 votos, por favor usa los 3.

  • No voting on your own entry.

No votes tu participación.

  • Voting would be open for 24hrs.

La votación permanecerá abierta 24 horas.

  • If you have not joined "The Terminal" discord server and you wish to vote, you can drop a message in the comment session and you would be sent an invitation link. Also, if you have any questions feel free to ask via the comment session.

Si no te has unido al servidor de discord "The Terminal" y quieres votar, puedes dejarnos un mensaje en la sección de comentarios de este post y te enviaremos un link de invitación. Además si tienes cualquier duda siéntete libre de preguntar en la sección de comentarios de este post.

  • Note ~ The following round will start when the winners announcement’s post comes out, this would be, in normal conditions , not more than 3 days after the post payout of the last week winners announcement's post.

Aviso ~ La siguiente ronda comenzará en el momento que el post de anuncio de ganadores se publique, en condiciones normales, no más de 3 días después del pago del post de anuncio de ganadores de la ronda anterior.

Let's get the ball rolling, let's get creative and let's create that look. Have a wonderful day and stay safe.

Que siga rodando la pelota , seamos originales y creemos ese look. Que tengas un día maravilloso y mantente a salvo.

Thanks to @derangedvisions for the amazing banner


Hello all my extra two winners are @sacra97 and @justclickindiva, i wanted to do a sepearate blog but time is against me

So here by CONGRATULATIONS to these two ladies for entering the contest
You both did great

i will transfer the 1 hive each asap

I did the transfer @sacra97 and @justclickindiva

Grateful for your beautiful detail, a happy mothers day. I'm having a quiet time at home @brittandjosie. I hope you have a great time on your mothers day @brittandjosie, @justclickindiva

Congratulations to our winners @oizaguirres, @oscarps & @txatxy.



Thanks so much for your great support @brittandjosie! 🤗🤗🤗❤️

Congratulations to the winners and thank you for your continuous support. 🤗

I want to clarify that votes were cast by all the users that came to TheTerminal discord server so these are people’s choices which is by far the most neutral judging process we could find.
I wish to thank you all the participants on the contest, I loved your good vibes, your generosity sharing your time and your creations.

Liquid prizes have already been transferred to the winners.
Keep on the great work and happy Mothers Day ! 🤗🤗🤗Congratulations to our winners @oizaguirres, @oscarps & @txatxy!! Thanks again to @brittandjosie for sponsoring 2 extra winners who will receive a gift directly from her. As you may have noticed we’ve increased the prizes as well as received an extra prize of 1 spliterlands card (for each winner) from @mistakili !

Thank you very much for creating these spaces to be able to develop our creative works. @drakernoise


Agradecido y mi amplia felicitación por la importante iniciativa de crear el espacio. Si todos tuvieramos la voluntad y capacidad de convencimiento, lograriamos que cientos de usuarios aprovecharan los retos. Sobre todo nuestra comunidad de habla hispana, inmensa pero disgregada

hello thank you very much for me it is always a pleasure to participate and have fun

Hi friends @bliss11 and @drakernoise

This is my proposal for the week 9

Congratulations to the winners hehehe

A Hug

She has all of us used to see great jobs on her editings. Don’t hesitate and step over @librepensadora’s post, enjoy! 👍

Ella nos tiene muy acostumbrados a ver geniales trabajos de edición fotográfica. No lo dudes y visita su post, disfruta! 👍

Thank you, my dear gentleman @drakernoise.

Always so special with my work


Congratulations to the winners of Week #8 filters and effects. Your images were beautiful. And congratulations also to all the other participants. There were many unique and interesting photo filter effects.

You all make it possible @justclickindiva, thanks for taking part with your great entries! 🤗🤗🤗

Congratulations to all the participants for the excellent works presented especially to the winners @oizaguirres and @txatxy

Another wonderful and exciting edition of the contest, thanks for making it possible, regards @bliss11 & @drakernoise

maestro, un abrazo.@oscarps gracias amigo y

muchas gracias
feliz domingo

Thanks to you for adding great stuff to the contest, well done! 🤗🤗🤗

Thank so much @drakernoise , greetings

Thanks for being a part of it. 🤗

Thank so much @bliss11 , regards

I have to go and see my extra two winners will do that Sunday 10 May when I have the chance. On to this week. Congrats to all the winners and see your new entries soon

thank you very much

Felicito y doy las gracias a dos de mis grandes amigos y maestros, @oscarps y @txatxy, mi Reina, en este premio están ellos!

I congratulate and thank two of my great friends and teachers, @oscarps and @txatxy, my Queen, in this award are they!Amigos @bliss11, @drakernoise y el resto de miembros del equipo de #createthatlook, así como los patrocinadores que hacen posible este interesante y divertido concurso...muchas gracias, este espacio me ha impulsado, motivado a introducirme a este mundo que siempre me ha encantado y que nunca me atreví. Friends @bliss11, @drakernoise and the rest of the #createthatlook team, as well as the sponsors who make this interesting and fun contest possible...thank you very much, this space has driven me, motivated me to introduce myself to this world that I have always loved and that I never dared.

hola felicidades mi angel como estas muchas mas
feliz domingo y disfruta de esta sin miedo

Bueno, fue ver esos jinetes y ya me dí cuenta que seria un gran trabajo ganador. Oiza sigue explorando y creando amigo. @oizaguirres

Fué genial tenerte en el concurso, hiciste un bonito trabajo y los usuarios lo apreciaron así, enhorabuena! 🤗🤗🤗

It was great having you on the contest, you made a wonderful entry that was really appreciated by users, congratulations! 🤗🤗🤗

Am glad you dared to this time around. Hopefully we get to see more wonderful works from you. Thanks for being a part of the contest @oizaguirres.🤗

congratulations to the winners - decent game.

Hope you can take some time and put your bit, you have great stuff to show 😉🤗🤗🤗

Muchas gracias!

Cute kitten, doesn't it? If you want to discover more cuteness get into @viking-ventures’s post and take a look! 😉

Thanks for participating in the contest. 😀

AND GOOD LUCK for this week as well.
You All are AWESOMECongratulations to Winners :) @oizaguirres, @oscarps, @txatxy.

Here Is my Entry for this Week


That was funny to see and read. Are you curious on how it was made?. Go to @shrazi's post and take a look! 😉

Thak so much @shrazi , regards friend

thank you very much for always being
Happy Monday

Welcome and Thanks. Same to You Happy Week :)

Congrats to the have been sent.

Cheers to everyone

Thank you! 😘🤗

Thanks for your support @mistakili really cool! 🤗🤗🤗

Hello my sister, congratulations to the winners :)
Here is my entry:

She's beautiful and also makes beautiful and smart photo edits, don't you believe me? Take a look to @misschance's post and discover her job! 👍

My congratulations to the winners of this week :)

hello come to wish you happy week and leave my contribution to this fun challenge

double exposure of creativity

The most creative @txatxy is here, you cannot miss her post, step in and enjoy! 👍

Congratulations to

on your winning entries👏🏆👏

@oizaguerres @oscarps & @txatxy and to @justclickindiva @sacra97 for your bonus from @brittandjosie!🎊

Thank you very kind @ninahaskin

You're welcome💕

Thank so much @ninahaskin , regards friend

Thank so much @ninahaskin , regards friend

You have to see this, @oizaguirres made an incredible editing job here. What to say about his imagination?... stunning, worth the time to visit his post! 👍

@annephilbrick unveiled here some of the amazing content of her post but I recommend you taking a look, you'll be glad to step in 😉

Here Is my Entry for this Week.

La rueda1.jpg

Regards friends.

If you love images with a message you would love this. Step into @oscarps's post to see how he did this one 😉

A new photo edit with message which I love. Go to @evagavilan's post and discover why 😉

Thanks for your entry.

A yard can be as beautiful as you can imagine, take a look at @justclickindiva's post and discover new ways of decorations 😉

Hi this is my entry. Congrats to the winners 👏 Greetings! 💜

What happens when you try and eat some sand? Visit @mballesteros's post to get a funny time 😉

Congratulations to the winners.
I'm thrilled to be participating in the contest for the first time. This is my entry:

It's worth to visit @gorayii‘s post where you can learn new stuff on photo editing 😉

It's worth to visit @gorayii‘s post where you can learn new stuff on photo editing 😉

Thank you very much for recognizing my work. You're a sunshine.

Dreamers can achieve what they imagine, don’t you think so?. Visit @danybankz‘s post you will see how you can achieve amazing things 😁