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RE: Photo Filters And Effect Contest Wk 8 Result || Wk 9 Begins ~ Update

in GEMS5 years ago (edited)

I want to clarify that votes were cast by all the users that came to TheTerminal discord server so these are people’s choices which is by far the most neutral judging process we could find.
I wish to thank you all the participants on the contest, I loved your good vibes, your generosity sharing your time and your creations.

Liquid prizes have already been transferred to the winners.
Keep on the great work and happy Mothers Day ! 🤗🤗🤗Congratulations to our winners @oizaguirres, @oscarps & @txatxy!! Thanks again to @brittandjosie for sponsoring 2 extra winners who will receive a gift directly from her. As you may have noticed we’ve increased the prizes as well as received an extra prize of 1 spliterlands card (for each winner) from @mistakili !


Thank you very much for creating these spaces to be able to develop our creative works. @drakernoise


Agradecido y mi amplia felicitación por la importante iniciativa de crear el espacio. Si todos tuvieramos la voluntad y capacidad de convencimiento, lograriamos que cientos de usuarios aprovecharan los retos. Sobre todo nuestra comunidad de habla hispana, inmensa pero disgregada

hello thank you very much for me it is always a pleasure to participate and have fun