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RE: My Friend was Diagnosed with Cancer : Overcoming the Feeling of Helplessness

in GEMS4 years ago

El cancer es una terrible enfermedad, si es diagnosticada a tiempo puede ser tratada y reducida, hasta llegar a eliminarlo por completo. Dios no le pone pruebas a quien no pueda enfrentarla y superarla, y por lo que leí tu amiga es toda una guerrera y sabe como enfrentar la vida, además cuenta con personas maravillosas como tú para apoyarla, te felicito por ser excelente amiga y acompañarla por este camino que le ha tocado enfrentar. Dios te llene de fortaleza para que puedas transmitirle a ella esa buena vibra que siempre ella te ha reflejado. Aunque hicistes que se me hiciera un nudo en la garganta, me agrado leerte. Bendiciones.

Cancer is a terrible disease, if it is diagnosed early it can be treated and reduced, until it is completely eliminated. God does not put tests on those who cannot face it and overcome it, and from what I read your friend is a true warrior and knows how to face life, she also has wonderful people like you to support her, I congratulate you for being an excellent friend and accompanying her for this path that he has had to face. God fill you with strength so that you can transmit to her that good vibe that she has always reflected on you. Even though you made my throat lump, I like to read you. Blessings.


Hehe sorry for that throat lump.

Take care!