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RE: ISee pointillism and watercolor artwork

in GEMS4 years ago

Hello girl! Thank you very much for your lovely words, they always bring a smile to my face knowing they come from a sincere place, your heart. I love the octopus, it is such a fascinating creature, the way an octopus moves in the sea is so elegant, so sublime and so calm. I guess that the big head of the octopus reminded you of the aliens haha.

I am stoked to try new techniques as combining my old ones into something new. I guess that for us artists it is easy to remain in our comfort zone but in the same time I believe that once in a while we can have our phases, when we experiment. Now I am going through pointillism meets watercolor and ink phase lol. I am trying to find what works for me and makes me feel happy rather than doing what I think would be pretty impressive. Pointillism alone is impressive, but somehow I believe it is too easy and I need to do something extra. My brain just likes a challenge, if I sit too much with one thing I get easily bored and I feel in a rut. Do you feel like this too sometimes?

I made a purchase of some cool stuff I want to try, I will make a future post about it. In the last months I feel I am releasing my inner child more and that I do more stuff for myself than I ever did before. I guess these are the perks of being happily single and not having to waste my love and energy on somebody who does not deserve it. So I focus it on me. And Gosh it feels amazing to just create and love yourself and let your inner child just play around with colors. I believe you are doing the same as you love to experiment as well. I am sure that you will create beautiful exquisite pieces because you are very talented as well .
Big hugs from a big kid to a big kid hihi