
Thanks. Yes ... it is certainly in the middle of nowhere .... only one road in. I think most Americans fly in by Sea Plane. It’s a well kept secret. Best tasting , fresh, Catch of the day dock side fish and chips you will ever have in your life.

Those are the best kinds of places. I’m into fishing so it looks like it would be a great spot to get some angling done.

It’s big water beyond the channel.... need a pretty big boat. We just stay in the channel and rivers with our kayaks. I made the mistake one summer of getting out to far and wow.... Lake Huron can turn into an Ocean pretty quick. Just like Superior.

You can bring your fishing rods but If you like Pickerel (walleye) the Lodge is the place to eat. Sweetest tasting fish ever.

I’m a huge walleye fan. We finish for it around my place.

What are your 3 favourite fish to eat ? (Including shell fish)

I like Walleye, Salmon (smoked) and scallops

Salmon, any white fish and blue gill cooked riverside over a campfire.

Damn.... I just figured out what @silly-Einstein is .... I am So out of the loop. I wish I knew about this 2 weeks ago. So many insider secrets