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RE: We all wear masks

in GEMS5 years ago

You make a really good point.

As someone pointed out in a comment on one of my posts, people get so wrapped up in their emotions about something that they become incapable of pausing to examine the practical logic of life.

Whereas masks are mandated where I live, I wear a mask because it makes sense, and that's a viewpoint I arrived at through my own observations, not as a result of laws or indoctrination.

Surgeons — even if they are in perfect health — wear masks in operating rooms to keep any germs/bacteria/viruses from spreading to patients on the operating table. I wear a mask freely because if there IS a deadly virus out there, it might help slow its spread. If there ISN'T a virus, I will have lost nothing...


I could not be more pleased to see this. it is the point that seems to be missed.

it might help slow it's spread, if there isn't then we have lost nothing

Yes! I wear mine not for me, not as a sign of apathy or subjugation by my government but for the fact that it might help the spread of this truly insidious virus.

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